Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1808 Herb Ash Mixed With Soil

There is not even a piece of wasteland in Jade Bamboo Star. It is really unreasonable to want to buy good land with fertile soil.

Zhou Ya had already seen that Luo Bi had no intention of selling the land, so she stopped thinking and went to contact others. Not to mention, after lobbying, someone actually sold farmland to Zhou Ya, but it was only a corner farmland, and the soil was not considered fertile.

Zhou Ya is not worried about soil quality problems. With her ability, it is still possible to purchase soil nutrients.

"What is she here for?!" Qin Cui came over and asked.

Luo Bixiao: "If you want to buy my land, you don't want the Xiaozhushan land, but you only want to buy my planting land."

"She's not stupid." Qin Cui commented.

Luo Bi said: "You are not stupid, even a stupid person cannot have such thoughts." Zhou Ya is a smart person.

There were a lot of weeds in the Luo Bi family's planting field. Qin Cui pulled out a few and asked, "The Feizhu Star Agriculture Department shipped a batch of soil nutrients. One bag cost more than two thousand interstellar coins. I bought five bags. Do you want it?" don't want?"

Robbie kicked the bag at her feet: "I have it."

"What kind of soil nutrient is this?" Qin Cui was curious.

"Pharmaceutical residue ash." Luo Bi didn't hide it.

Qin Cui suddenly remembered: "I heard that the medicine dregs and ash are very effective. I don't blow up the furnace often. If I had known, my classmates and I would have asked for some. Do you have a lot of medicine dregs and ash? Give me some."

"Not much, I poured it out of the furnace where durian fruits are grown." Luo Bi transported five bags of soil mixed with medicinal dregs and ash, untied the bags and asked Qin Cui to do it himself: "I don't have the strength in my hands. , pour some by yourself."

He Xiang and Wei Zi saw it from a distance and ran over. They both said they wanted some medicine dregs and ash. Luo Bi simply gave out a bag and asked the three of them to mix it up. Then she asked Zhu Xingbao to call Mrs. Zhu and ask them if they wanted medicine dregs.

Mrs. Zhu knew the benefits of the medicine dregs and ash: "If you want it, give it to us."

Luo Bi sent out another bag, which was mixed with soil anyway: "You divide it among yourself! These are mixed with soil and have been planted with durian fruits for a while. The effect may not be as good as last time. You can figure it out yourself! "

Love it or not, don't pull it.

Madam Zhu and others are of course used. The bumper harvest in autumn depends entirely on the medicine dregs and ash given by Luo Bi. What happened to the ones mixed with soil? ! They also want the ones mixed with soil. Medicine residue and ash are much better than soil nutrients.

A group of women scrambled to carry away the bags, and Luo Bi asked Hua Ran to move away two bags of medicine residue and ash mixed with soil.

I still have two bags of medicine residue and ash at home, which are also mixed with soil and are reserved for the family’s planting fields.

Mrs. Zhu asked her two sisters-in-law to stay and help Luo Bi's family spread medicine residue and ashes. The medicine dregs and ash mixed with soil are not loose. The bag is tipped into the basin, and one person carries a basin and spreads it evenly along the way.

After the soil-mixed medicine dregs and ashes were spread, Zhu Xingsu drove the plowing truck over. After asking Luo Bi, the child drove the plowing truck and started plowing the land from one end. When he reached the other end, he plowed back from the other side. Zhu Xingsu was very skilled in plowing the land, so he didn't have to worry about the plowing being uneven or too shallow.

After the farmland is plowed, the crops are planted on the same day.

There are three acres of planting land here. Five kilograms of wheat are planted on three-thirds of the land. Rice and millet are planted on one-and-eight acres of the land. The rest are planted with purple corn. The remaining purple corn seeds are collected and Luo Bi plans to plant them at home. planting field.

Soybean seeds were planted in the planting field on Xiaozhu Mountain, and the entire field was opened up and tidied up. It was almost an acre of land.

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