Luo Bi raised her eyes and looked over: "Okay."

Lan Xun continued to work, and then continued to say: "I will also teach when I get home. The main reason is that I have no experience. Didn't you and Colonel Luo teach orange spoons and war spoons before? I think the teaching is pretty good."

The teaching is pretty good, and the orange spoon won't suffer if it's light, Luo Bi smiled: "Okay, I don't know what to teach, Xun Shaozi doesn't like farming, so let me plant the seeds first!"

Xun Shao Shao was so happy that he went over to get a handful of green radish seeds and was eager to try them.

Luo Bi planted it herself once and asked Xun Shaoshao to look carefully: "Do you know how to do it?"

Xun Shao nodded: Yes.

Xun carefully used the small end of the spoon to make a hole, put two green radish seeds, covered it with fresh soil from the side, and pressed it lightly, and there was no fault in the whole process.

Luo Hang was surprised, and Luo Bi looked at Lan Xun: "Don't mention it, your Xun spoon is a piece of farming material, you can know it at a glance."

Lan Xun looked proud and helped pick a ridge of land before returning to the headquarters.

With Xun Shaozi, the farm work is much faster. Xun Shaozi is not playful, but also well-behaved, and he can plant whatever he wants. He is much more obedient than Orange Spoon. Luo Bi likes it no matter what he thinks, so he chatters with Xun Shaozi unconsciously. chat.

Luo Bi treated Xun Shaozi like a child, and the content of the chat was whatever he wanted to talk about. Knowing that Xun Shaozi liked farming, he picked up the topic of planting and talked to Xun Shaozi. For example, what was planted in the fields a few days ago, Zhou Ya's little plan, and the medicine residue and ash, and how many acres of land she had in total.

Xun Shao listened little by little, not sure whether he understood it or not.

One pack of green radish seeds and one pack of mustard radish seeds will be planted in the evening.

Luo Bi couldn't hold it in anymore, so she drove Xun Shao Shao out to play, and asked Xun Shao Shao to identify the door, whose house this was, and whose house that was. Luo Bi pointed it out to Xun Shao Shao. While driving all the way, Luo Bi stopped by to look at the planting fields outside the safe zone. It was impossible for seeds to germinate when it was cold, so she just had nothing to do and went to take a look.

Xun Shaozi is very envious when he sees the planting fields. He also wants a planting field, which is very big. He wants to plant many, many small seedlings. Just thinking about Xun Shaozi gets excited.

After getting excited, the spoon became wilted again. It likes to plant seedlings, but everyone doesn't seem to like it.

When Lan Xun returned home from outside the safety zone, he had been waiting for a while. He was here to pick up Xun's spoon. Luo Bi got out of the suspended sports car, and Lan Xun presented two fifth-grade ginseng plants and a five-hundred-year-old mountain mushroom. These two rare supplements were the only ones Lan Xun could get.

Luo Bi said no, "I'm just playing with Xunlao, taking it out to learn a lot, you don't have to be so polite."

"Xun spoon is very important to me, there is nothing good, so don't dislike it." Lan Xun insisted. He was born in a branch of the Lan family, and his status was no higher than that of the direct line. He finally got a magic weapon, so he naturally attached great importance to it.

Xun Lao has no fighting ability, and Lan Xun is also rare because he only knows how to farm.

Luo Bi is also a real person, Lan Xun has said so, how can she refuse, not to mention, after entering the galaxy war season, ginseng, shanzhi and the like are more precious, she also wants it very much, so she accepted it.

Lan Xun took the lead, and He Yun, Tang Shao, and Bai Yan successively sent He Shaozi, Tang Shaozi, and Yan Shaozi to the Emerald Bamboo Star, in the name of learning knowledge, but in fact they were just playing with Luo Bi.

Luo Bi can play, but not now. She received a few spoons to plant purple corn and peanuts.

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