Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1811: The same virtue as an orange spoon

Luo Hang originally wanted to help with the work, but when he arrived at the planting field, he was stunned for a moment. The spoons were almost like spirits.

Luo Bi dug one end, counted a few purple corns with a spoon and threw them in. Luo Bi took a look and said, "If one is too little, throw in another purple corn to prevent some seeds from not germinating. If there are too many, you can pick up one."

He Shao picked up the small wicker basket and threw in another purple corn. Luo Bi raised her head to bury it in the soil and dug out another.

After a few times, He Shao knew what was going on. He threw two pills every two, grabbed an extra pill and picked it back up. He was not very polite.

The soup spoon next to him followed Luo Bi's example, using his small head to dig holes and throwing seeds with his spoon. They were a group. Yan couldn't form a team with only one spoon, so he carried a small hoe and a small wicker basket, dug a hole and threw two seeds in, then buried the hoe in the soil.

Luo Hang wanted to team up with Yan Shao, and Yan Shao was not happy. He did a good job on his own, so he didn't want to team up with others.

Luo Hang took a rake and leveled the ground. He was working very proudly in front of him, but he just listened to Luo Bi talking nonsense. What can Robby talk about? Just to give the spoons ideas and make trouble wherever they want.

"Don't you like to plant things? You can buy planting pots from Xingwang, or pull out the flowers and plants in the yard and plant whatever you want? Do you know what a planting pot looks like?" Luo Bi lowered her head and rested for a while. , took out a small optical computer and showed it to the spoons: "These are planting pots. There are big and small, and there are all kinds of styles. They look good!"

Yan spoon ran over, Xun spoon and soup spoon came forward, there were so many planting pots!

After browsing the planting pots, Luo Bi taught the spoons how to buy and count the seeds. While doing farm work, Luo Bi led the spoons to get notebooks and pens to teach them how to read.

Luo Hang looked at it and stopped working in the blink of an eye. He called Guan Zhuting, and the couple continued to plant purple corn, and after planting, they also planted peanuts.

In this way, Luo Bi felt relaxed. After teaching for a while, she became bored, so she took the spoon and fed the partridges. Yan Shao, who had always lacked interest, immediately became energetic when he saw the partridge chickens having fun. He looked at this one and that one, it was so strange.

There were no wild fruits at home, and the partridges ate grass. After a while of snatching the partridges, the initial excitement was gone. Luo Bi led the ladles to see if the Chinese cabbage had sprouted. The ladles dug at the soil curiously, thinking Take a closer look.

"Don't pull the seeds out." Luo Bi yelled, so frightened that the spoon stopped.

Luo Bi suddenly had an idea. She went down to the field and returned to the front. She took the refined storage rings and gave them to the spoons, one for each spoon, and patiently taught them how to use them.

The soup spoon was very rare, and I was very busy poking at it with my hands.

Luo Bi didn't care when she saw He Shao Shao running away, but He Shao Shao turned around and pulled out her energy flowers and plants and carried them away.

Luo Bi was so angry: "Why do you have the same virtue as Orange Spoon?"

If we talk about rare energy flowers and plants, He Shao Shao will never get his turn no matter what. Yan Shao Shao of the Bai Yan family has a special liking for flowers and plants, but it turns out that guy likes raising pigs, which is really the weirdest among the weird.

Speaking of Yan Shao's fondness for raising pigs, it turns out that guy was not idle either. He rushed to the planting field to catch partridges, which he wanted to catch and raise.

Luo Bi was unhappy and had a fight with the spoons. Hua Ran sent back the spoons one by one.

Flame Spoon was so happy that it would be best if they all were sent away.

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