Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1812 It’s okay to raise a little native pig for fun

Before leaving, He Shao took away a large amount of energy flowers and plants, and Yan Shao dragged two partridge chickens. This means there are no ducks or geese in the house. If there were any, the owner would have to drag them to his own house.

Luo Bi was so angry that she didn't move for a long time, and she would never pay attention to these broken spoons again.

However, it was too early to say anything, and there was a commotion when a few spoons came back. Yan Shao was talking about raising pigs, raising partridges, and growing crops. Tang Lao wanted to grow crops. He also wanted to raise a small native pig for fun. Tang Lao said he didn't want to pick.

He Shao wanted to do everything, raise little native pigs, grow crops, vegetables, and fruit trees... He Shao thought about a lot, especially the flowers and plants in the yard, and secretly wanted to pull out the fruit trees.

He Xiang is about to cry but has no tears. His cousin is not here. What should he do? !

Xun spoon is more ambitious, and even plans to plant things on the hill in the yard.

Except for Lan Xun, the rest of the family, He Yun, Bai Yan, and Tang Shao were not at Feizhu Star. This made the guards and sergeants miserable. They followed the spoon to the backyard, and then followed them to the front yard. They spoke sincerely. Spoon didn’t listen to his advice.

Lan Xun was also troubled by the spoon. He couldn't let the spoon pull out all the flowers and plants to plant crops, right? !

Is the yard a place to grow crops?

Obviously not! ! !

"Luo Bi, my family Xun Shao wants to pull out the flowers and plants in the yard to plant crops. Please help me to persuade her." Lan Xun drove Xun Shao to Luo Bi's house again. When he entered the door, he said: "Although the flowers and plants grown at my house are not expensive, , but it doesn’t look like pulling out crops!”

Luo Bi: "······"

You see, the teaching was wrong again, she just said that, who would have thought that Xun Shao Shao really listened.

Luo Bi's anger had subsided by now. She naturally had a way to coax the spoon. She glanced at Xun Shao and Lan Xun and said, "You just want to find a piece of land to grow things. I'll find a way for you. Just see if Xun Shao has any." It’s up to you.”

After speaking, he dialed Zhu Xingsu's message.

Luo Bi went home and drove the suspended sports car. Luo Hang saw it and asked, "It's raining and snowing. What are you doing if you don't stay at home?"

"Leave the safe area and go to the planting fields in Xiaozhushan." Luo Bi replied. When he got outside the courtyard gate, he called Lan Xun and left.

Thirty minutes later, at the foot of Xiaozhu Mountain outside the safety zone, Luo Bi pointed at the plow truck that Zhu Xingsu drove and said to Xun Shao: "Don't you want to plant something? This is a plow truck for cultivating farmland. Can you drive it?"

Luo Bi continued: "If you can't drive a plow truck, just go home and be obedient. If you can drive it, plow the land yourself. If you have the ability to cultivate a piece of farmland by yourself, then you can do whatever you want. You can grow whatever you want."

I'm so confused, I'm just planting small seedlings, but I still need to learn to drive a plow truck? ! !

Is this too difficult for a spoon?

Lan Xun: "..." This is a great move.

Zhu Xingsu and Zhu Xingshao came together: "..."

Without this, how could Xun Shao, no matter how smart he was, be able to drive a plowing vehicle? !

Lan Xun came back to his senses and suddenly felt that his spoon was being bullied and forced to drive a plowing truck? Isn't this difficult for the spoon? Xun Shao opened the Lingzhi and it was also an array device. It was not as easy for him to drive a plowing truck as to raise pigs.

As soon as the little north wind blew, Luo Bi stamped her feet and prepared to leave with a smile: "Learn how to use a ladle. Once you learn how to drive a plow truck, you will have farmland."

The spoon flew to the plow truck and continued to be confused. How to drive this thing?

You were running away just now, why are you not moving now?

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