Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1813 Dragging back a bag of leaves and weeds

As soon as Luo Bi left, Lan Xun let out a breath and patiently taught his own Xun spoon how to operate the plowing truck.

I only know two characters for Xunshao, 'shao' and 'zi', but I don't even know the character for '洵'. How can you let him learn to drive?

It felt fresh to Xun Shao Shao at first, but later he felt that it was a bit difficult. Lan Xun taught him over and over again, Xun Shao Shao was confused, and the more he listened, the more confused he became.

Lan Xun took a look and thought, "It's better to say it than to do it. Let Xun try it with the spoon."

The terrain under Xiaozhu Mountain is open, so you don’t have to worry even if your spoon-picking skills are not good.

Lan Xun taught him step by step, but Xun was so nervous that he learned to start the plow truck for a long time, but the truck didn't move. Lan Xun was very patient. His military uniform was soaked by the rain and snow, and the plowing truck finally moved.

This movement was so remarkable that the plow truck beeped in circles, once and twice, and continued to spin in circles.

Xun Shao Shao was dumbfounded? Dizzy.

"Fuck!!!" Zhu Xingsu was stunned: "This skill is as good as Luo Bi's."

Lan Xun was also dumbfounded. Zhu Xingshao reacted quickly and jumped on the plow truck to turn off the engine. Oh my god, I'm scared to death, this car is disobedient.

"Xun Shao doesn't know how to drive a plow truck!" Zhu Xingshao was extremely anxious.

Lan Xun put the spoon in Zhu Xingsu's arms, rolled up his sleeves, and got on the small plowing truck. He had tall legs and had to half-bend his legs, and started to start the plowing truck: "I'll do it."

Xun Shao doesn't know how to drive a plow truck, but he can! Since his family liked farmland, he helped plow a piece of it.

As an imperial soldier, Lan Xun started driving a plowing vehicle, but the vehicle was too small and not suitable for adults. Lan Xun started plowing from one end, drove out in a straight line, estimated that it was almost done, turned and plowed back.

Xun Shao took a look, hurriedly dialed the communication, and called all the smart spoons in one go.

Of course, Wen's little Fireball, who likes to join in the fun, also came along.

"Fuck, fuck...!!!" Zhu Xingsu was shocked and shouted: "Why are the spoons and the small fireballs here? This, this, this spoon is on top of the ground, plus the small fireball, How long will it take to plow?"

It's freezing outside the safety zone, and no one wants to plow the fields at this time.

It was okay to coax a spoon to open up a piece of farmland. Xun spoon called all the little brothers who had opened their minds. Zhu Xingsu felt a sudden change in his heart, while Zhu Xingshao looked excited and curious.

Lan Xun's face didn't change. Coaxing a spoon is coaxing, coaxing a group of spoons is coaxing, and he gave it all.

Seeing that his friends were all here, Xun Lao Shao breathed a sigh of relief. With a wave of his little hand, he led Lao Lao and others into the forest. Lan Xun, Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingsu kept wondering what the spoons were doing. After a while, Xun spoon came back dragging a bag of leaves and weeds.

The Wen family's little fireball was gearing up, waiting for the spoon to pour the leaves and weeds out of the bag, and then shot a string of small fireballs to dry them, and then the leaves and weeds burned little by little.

The supernatural fire has enough energy to burn leaves and weeds into ashes in a moment, put it into a bag with a spoon and spread it evenly.

Zhu Xingshao was stunned. He pointed at the Wen family's small fireball and the spoon and asked: "Is this an array device?! You actually know how to sprinkle plant ash into the ground to nourish the soil? Oh my god! The array device has become a spirit."

Zhu Xingsu sighed: "It's a pity that I don't know how to fight."

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