Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1815 It’s not good to favor one over another

However, Wen's little fireball is not happy anymore. It also wants a piece of farmland, and it can grow things.

Wen Xiao loved the spoon a lot, so he immediately asked Zhu Xingshao to help cultivate a three-acre farmland in exchange for ten millet birds.

If it were in the past, the reward for ten millet birds would have been considered stingy, and even with Wen Xiao's status, he couldn't afford it. However, since entering the galaxy war season, the situation has been completely different. Everyone is rare in nutritious food.

Zhu Xingshao was very satisfied with the reward of ten millet birds and immediately agreed.

At this time, the sky had just turned dark, and the temperature had dropped. It was bitingly cold to take a breath. Everyone's clothes were wet from the rain and snow. Zhu Xingshao quickly jumped on the plow truck and plowed the farmland.

The head of the Zhu family originally wanted to leave, but now he had to wait and give the Wen family's little fireball a plant defense cover. They all have activated the spiritual array, so it’s not good to favor one over the other. Since they all have spoons, the Zhu family master will naturally not be missing the Wen family’s little fireball.

Besides, if you don't give Wen's Little Fireball a try, it would be strange if he doesn't make a fuss and make you fall on your back.

When it got completely dark, Zhu Xingshao had opened up three acres of farmland. Wen Xiao went home to get Zhu Xingshao some millet. When there was a big battle with millet birds, every household had a lot of millet birds in reserve.

Wen Xiao gave more than half of it to the family, and currently there are less than fifty millet birds in the family's supply store.

Lan Xun gave Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingsu ten millet birds respectively, and they packed them up and went home. It was a very tiring day.

Fortunately, fifteen acres of land were cultivated in the shortest possible time. Although it was a bit perfunctory and the plowing was of varying depths, Xun Lao, the others, and Wen's Little Fireball couldn't tell that it was not the case.

Coax the children, as long as they can make them happy.

This incident reminded Zhu Family Master and Wei Yu, and after discussion with He Yun, they opened up a large area of ​​farmland next to Wen's Xiao Huoqiu's farmland and allocated an agricultural team to be responsible for planting.

Self-sufficiency is a good idea.

Spoons can grow crops, but there's no reason why soldiers can't.

From that day forward, the ladles grew up in the farmland at the foot of Xiaozhu Mountain every day. He ladle planted all three acres of farmland with flowers and plants, Tang ladle planted two acres of rice and one acre of purple corn, and half of Yan ladle's three acres of land were planted with rice. Half is planted with wheat.

Xun Shao planted two acres of rice, one acre of wheat, and raised two small native pigs.

The little native pig belonged to Yan Ban, but Yan Ban didn't want to keep it anymore, so he threw it back to Xun Ban.

After Lan Xun found out, he contacted Bai Yan and planned to convert the two little native pigs into interstellar coins and send them to Bai Yan. Bai Yan said: "Yan Laopiao gave it to Xun Laopiao. I don't care about this. I advise you not to take it to heart and give the interstellar coins." Don't mention it in the future."

Lan Xun pondered for a moment, then stopped mentioning it.

As Bai Yan's number one mystic master, Lan Xun, as a branch of the Lan family, was speechless. Who would have thought that because of the spiritual formation device, the two of them would meet.

Lan Xun laughed at himself and poured out a colored crystal stone from the energy bottle for Xun Shao Shao to absorb. There were also two colored crystal stones, one kept just in case, and the other for Xun Shao Shao.

Winter has entered late January, and the cold is approaching, getting colder day by day.

February 1st is the Interstellar Winter Festival, a major festival in the three major galaxies. While every family is worried about supplies, they are busy giving and receiving gifts.

At this time, not only women need to supplement their nutrition, but the Thunder Flame warriors also need to properly supplement their nutrition and energy every day in order to maintain their fighting strength. This coincides with the interstellar winter season, and the price of food ingredients has been rising.

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