Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1816 Two eighth-level ginseng grass

In fact, the price increase of supplies in winter is not outrageous, but there is a price but no market. You can afford it but the supply exceeds the demand. This is the key point.

Market fluctuations are inevitable.

Under such circumstances, Lei Yan soldiers formed hunting teams and mercenary groups one after another to go out on missions. However, they failed to take advantage of several battles and injured many people. Fortunately, there were gratifying gains.

Nutritious meat quickly appeared in the dungeon, and meat from exotic animals was also available, but the price was very high.

Big aristocratic families and wealthy families have never been short of interstellar coins. As long as fresh ingredients are on the market in the dungeon, they will be snapped up immediately. The one who was slow to rob was cursing, and from time to time he would send people to keep an eye on the things in the dungeon. As soon as something good came to him, the one with well-connected people would immediately take notice.

Therefore, the business in the underground city is relatively stable.

On the other hand, due to the unified upgrade of Warcraft and Alien Beasts, the ranks of the talent contractors have been re-ranked accordingly, and the students have returned to the academy to compete one after another to assess their talent strength.

Huang Xinling went there immediately and was rated as a dual-system first-level talent master.

This was a happy event, so we had to give a gift to celebrate. Luo Bi thought about it and gave Huang Xinling a piece of bamboo fruit wine.

It coincided with the interstellar cold festival to give gifts, and the Huang family returned two eighth-grade ginseng plants to Luo Bi.

Luo Bi sat on the sofa and made the calculations. At present, there are five ginseng plants in the family, one Sanzhi plant, and only two plants of the eighth-grade ginseng. .

After entering the galaxy battle season, if the Thunder Flame warriors don't have enough energy, their combat power will easily weaken. Luo Bi doesn't want her brother Huaran's combat power level to be unstable. Naturally, the stronger the team, the better.

Having made up her mind, Luo Bi looked at Feng Ling who was working, and then walked over: "Feng Ling, I want to send a five-grade ginseng plant to my mother's family, do you think it's okay?"

"It's snowing heavily again." Feng Ling glanced outside, got up and took a white fox cloak and put it on Luo Bi, and put on fluffy animal skin gloves for her: "Go, hurry back , don’t eat at your parents’ house.”

Luo Bi nodded with a smile: "I know, I'll come back when I've had enough fun."

Feng Ling reluctantly believed it, women love to play, it's hard to say what is enough for fun, but Feng Ling didn't say anything, stood at the gate of the courtyard and watched Luo Bi go out, then turned around and went back to work.

Ten minutes later, Luo Bi drove to her parents' house.

After entering the house, Guan Zhuting was making meat fillings to make dumplings, and Luo Hang was helping.

Seeing Luo Bi come in, Luo Hang's eyes fell on Luo Bi's hand: "What did you bring again? Why are you running around when it's snowing? Hurry up and close the door and go inside. Is it cold?"

"I brought a fifth-level ginseng plant over." Luo Bi put the ginseng plant on the table.

Luo Hang's face sank: "Take it back later."

Luo Bi said: "I won't pay attention to you."

Luo Hang was so angry, Luo Bi washed his hands and ran back to help make dumplings: "I haven't eaten dumplings for a long time, are you stuffed with green vegetables? I don't like stuffed vegetables, why don't you buy a Chinese cabbage to make dumplings?"

"You didn't say it earlier." Just after being pissed off by his daughter, Luo Hang heard that Luo Bi didn't like food, so he immediately forgot: "I'll go to the underground city tomorrow to see if I can buy Chinese cabbage."

Guan Zhuting also said: "I will go with you tomorrow."

Luo Bi probably knew what was going on, so she said, "You may not be able to buy it, and I don't really like Chinese cabbage dumplings."

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