Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1818 You can’t buy it even if you have interstellar coins

"Fengling, I'm not going back to eat." Luo Bi called Fengling and said.

Fengling knew that this was the case. Luo Bi couldn't get enough of it when she went out to play. The man said "hmm" in a low voice to express his understanding: "I'll have a meeting at the headquarters and pick you up later."

After hanging up the call, Luo Bi went back to the dining table to eat and listen to the men chatting.

Tong Wan was also someone who couldn't get enough to play. He didn't say goodbye after eating. He told everyone what he heard about the price of ingredients: "A pheasant in Emperor Star was sold for 5,000 interstellar coins. It's not a guinea fowl." Phoenix-tailed chickens are just ordinary pheasants, and even if your family is not wealthy, you won’t be able to buy more during the winter festival.”

"How many do you want to buy?" Luo Bi asked without any scheming.

Tong Wan said: "Your uncle and your aunt bought it, I don't know."

Luo Bi didn't know whether it was true or not. She had realized that people were unwilling to talk about their family situation, so she stopped asking later. If you buy too much or too little, she won't eat it, and she won't say anything about it.

The men were talking about the mission, and after hearing the women's chat, they joined in the conversation.

"5,000 interstellar coins for a pheasant is not expensive. The problem is that it can be bought on the market. Even if there are interstellar coins, it won't be available." Luo Qing planned to go on a mission after the winter festival, so he knew more about it. He drank He drank tea and said: "A while ago, a hunting team went on a mission and killed two strange beasts and injured half of the people. In this situation, it is too dangerous to go on a mission. A hunting team without any power really dare not have any ideas."

"Third brother, I want to go on a mission after the festival, will you go?" Luo Chang raised his head from the small optical computer and asked.

"Let me think about it." Luo Qing didn't give the right answer.

"I heard that there are a lot of good things on the mountain of Feizhu Planet?" Tong Wan asked, and before anyone could respond, he added: "We won't go to undeveloped planets. The risk factor of planets that have established safe zones should be very low, Luo Bi, Tomorrow you take us to the edge of the mountain forest to have a look."

"Tomorrow?" Luo Bi felt a sudden thought and didn't want to go: "I may not be free. Besides, the Jade Bamboo Star safe zone has just been established, and the edge of the mountain forest is not safe. Zhu Xingshao and the others said there are strange beasts, but I don't dare to go there. .”

"Look at how brave you are." Tong Wan turned his attention to Hua Ran again: "Brother Hua Ran has strong genes and no fighting power. If Luo Bi doesn't go, you can take us there, and you can just find some game." , save your family and spend interstellar coins to buy it.”

Hua Ran shook his head: "No, I'm going to my great-grandfather's house tomorrow to deliver the holiday gift."

Tong Wan pouted, there was nothing she could do if he didn't go.

Luo Hang came back from outside, Guan Zhuting got up and went to serve dumplings, Luo Qing took the opportunity to say goodbye, and Luo Chang's family followed.

Hua Ran went out to see someone off, and Luo Bi hesitated to follow. She forgot to take the scale flower for the child. When she arrived at the door, the child tugged at the corner of Tong Wan's clothes to remind her mother that she had forgotten to take the scale flower.

Tong Wan was unmoved. She didn't want to appear petty and ate and took everything.

Luo Bi didn't pretend not to notice, picked up the small cardboard box and handed it over: "Here, take it, I'll pick something suitable for children to play with."

The child didn't pick it up and just watched helplessly. Tong Wan said: "Your aunt gave it to you, take it!"

The child moved but still didn't reach out. Luo Bi gave it to Tong Wan: "Tong Wan, hold it for the child."

Damn it, look at the pretentiousness of the adults and children in this family, you can have it if you want it! It’s not that I won’t give it, I just want to show off, just like I have a tutor. If you have the ability, don’t ask for it!

Tong Wan took the small cardboard box and handed it to Luo Chang to hold.

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