Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1819 The ingredients are so rare

After sending away her relatives, Luo Bi ran home to eat dumplings with her father. She had not eaten enough before.

Guan Zhuting looked at the gifts from the two families. The cakes given by Luo Chang were equivalent to more than 300 interstellar coins. Luo Qing packed them in a cardboard box. You couldn't see what was given outside. Hua Ran opened it and saw that there was a box of low-grade nutritional fruits inside. .

Hua Ran estimated: "It's almost worth 5,000 interstellar coins."

"Remember the gift in return." Luo Bi was surprised and reminded, then dipped some dumplings in garlic sauce: "We don't want to take advantage of others. If not, we will give Third Brother five millet birds. Five millet birds should be worth 5,000 interstellar coins."

Guan Zhuting nodded: "That's okay. Luo Qing's body has suffered a lot in the past few years and needs to be replenished the most. Five millet birds is not a small gift."

Suddenly, Luo Bi made a move: "No, you can't give me a bird."

"What's wrong?" Guan Zhuting brought another bowl of dumplings and put it on the table: "Hua Ran, do you want some more? I've made a lot of them, and there's still some left over for Fengling. The dumplings I just made are delicious."

Hua Ran was already full, but he was greedy for the feeling of being with his family, so he washed his hands and went to the table again.

Luo Bi smiled. She also sat down to watch her father eat. In fact, she wasn't too hungry. There was food in her mouth. Luo Bi said, "The millet bird is dead. It's not good for people to die during the holidays. Let's find something else."

Guan Zhuting was stunned and said Hua Ran: "Luo Qing shouldn't care about this."

"I don't care, you just have to figure it out!" Luo Bi put down her picks and continued to pick up dumplings and dip them in garlic sauce: "Father, what did you buy when you went out? There are relatives at home and I don't think you dare to take them out."

When she takes it out, she will be eaten by others. It is really delicious to eat the unpromising ones. It is impossible to tell that they are being polite to her. It is true that Luo Hang loves his daughter, but it has nothing to do with others. Luo Hang has no intention of sharing it with others.

What's more, food ingredients are so rare nowadays. Luo Hang just wants his daughter to eat well, and everyone else will stand aside.

"I bought you ten raw corns. Don't you like purple corn? Go back and ask Fengling to cook it for you. I was the first one to buy them and picked them all well." Luo Hang had a look of doting on his face. Laughing, but he didn't feel it himself, and continued: "It was a coincidence that I went there. Someone happened to break fresh corn to sell. If I went a little later, I wouldn't be able to buy it."

"Buy ten?" Luo Bi asked calmly.

Hua Ran made a move and did not participate in the topic, and Guan Zhuting also walked away quickly.

"Well, I didn't buy more. The rest are not good." Luo Hang ate a bowl. Guan Zhuting handed him the one in her hand. Luo Hang said again: "You don't like the bad ones if you buy them, so I won't." purchase."

After Luo Bi asked, she said to the busy Guan Zhuting, "Mom, take out five, and I'll take the rest."

Luo Hang almost choked on his dumplings, this girl was a master at cheating on her father.

Guan Zhuting looked at her husband hesitantly. Luo Hang loved his daughter. If she kept half of her, the man would definitely be anxious with her when there was no one left. However, Luo Bi usually never takes back what she says. This child doesn't live with his family.

"You can eat it yourself, your father finally bought it for you." Guan Zhuting said.

Luo Bi smiled: "Then you can cook some for me."

Guan Zhuting looked at Hua Ran, who nodded. Guan Zhuting took five fresh corns, peeled them, washed them and boiled them in a pot.

Luo Bi took the dumplings to the kitchen and walked around. She was satisfied. When the purple corn was cooked, Luo Bi took one and ate it. The tender purple corn became more and more delicious as she ate it.

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