Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1820 Too expensive

Luo Bi asked Hua Ran and her father to eat too, but what she said was completely different: "Brother, you and your father share the food. You will be able to work well after replenishing your energy. The family is still pointing out your work."

To make them work, let them eat.

Hua Ran smiled, took a purple corn, broke it open, and divided half of it into Luo Hang.

"How many interstellar coins is one purple corn?" Guan Zhuting was worried that it was too expensive. Three of them were a lot. Although they were all family members and they didn't feel bad eating them, she knew that purple corn was definitely not cheap at this time.

Luo Bi looked at her father, and Luo Hang said: "There is no purple corn in the open air this season. The raw corn sold in the underground city is autumn corn. The price is very high, selling for 1,000 interstellar coins."

"So expensive? How many interstellar coins did you spend on ten raw corns?" Guan Zhuting was anxious. Purple corn flour only costs 2,000 interstellar coins per pound, and five corn cobs can be processed into one pound of cornmeal.

Calculating this way, the profit from selling raw corn is huge.

"I didn't spend interstellar coins. It's obviously not cost-effective to buy it with interstellar coins for such an expensive price." Seeing everyone's confusion, Luo Hang smiled and said, "I exchanged the millet birds for ten raw corns."

Guan Zhuting nodded: "It's still too expensive."

Luo Bi didn't think so: "Father, when you have time, you often go to the underground city to see if there is any raw corn. If there is, we will exchange it for millet and save more raw corn to cook and eat every day."

Luo Bi can eat three boiled corns in one meal, but less is not enough for her.

"There should be some in the planting field I bought. I'll ask when I have time." Luo Hang planned to go to other people's planting fields to pick fresh ones, and he would pick the good ones by himself and discard the bad ones.

When Luo Hang expressed his idea, Luo Bi agreed very much. It would be great to be able to pick it from the planting field.

Just after eight o'clock in the evening, Fengling came to pick up Luo Bi and wrapped her tightly in an animal skin blanket. Fengling carried Luo Bi into the hovercar and went home. When they got home, Fengling was worried that Luo Bi would get cold, so she got out of the car with Luo Bi in her arms, entered the house and kicked the door shut.

After walking to the bed and putting the person down, Fengling pulled the quilt and gave it to Luo Bi.

When Fengling washed up and came out of the bathroom, Luo Bi was already asleep. Fengling went to bed gently and put her in her arms to sleep.

A strong wind blew at night, and the biting north wind whistled, and from time to time there was the sound of branches breaking. It rained and snowed for a while in the middle of the night, the wind continued unabated, and the temperature dropped several degrees.

When she woke up in the morning, Fengling's eyes were clear. She leaned over and kissed the corner of Luo Bi's mouth gently, then stood up and leaned on the bedside to work. After a while, Fengling lowered her gaze to Luo Bi and stared at it quietly for a moment before getting out of bed.

Breakfast was not easy to do, so Fengling cooked a red claw crab, a few jumping shrimps, made a portion of river porridge, and steamed a portion of rice. The Thunder Flame warriors eat meat as their main food. Fengling cut a piece of red chicken monster meat and grilled it on the grill.

Zhu Xingbao came over early in the morning: "Is Luo Bi up? I'm here to play with her."

"Not yet." Fengling raised her eyebrows to look at the child, turned over the ingredients and said, "Why are you here so early? Luo Bi got up late in the morning, so you can come find her later."

Zhu Xingbao refused to leave and sat on a small bench eating biscuits. Fengling asked, "Didn't you have breakfast?"

Zhu Xingbao nodded, and Fengling said, "Luo Bi won't get up until eight o'clock. If you want to have dinner at my house, you have to wait for a while. Can you wait?"

The child nodded vigorously: "Yes, Luo Bi and I will have dinner together."

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