Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1822 Personal ability is very strong

Before the Winter Festival, Luo Bi received two more 10 million interstellar coins from Tang Shao and Lan Xun.

Okay, Luo Bi understood the meaning of some of them. For example, Zhan Di and Bai Yan, who were childhood friends and had a normal relationship with Fengling. As long as they had opened the spiritual array, they were given 10 million Stars. Coin red envelope.

As for the others, good relationships account for some of them.


Who knows, if she doesn’t give a red envelope as a holiday gift, it’s okay if she is a child or an elder, but she can give a red envelope during the holidays to add joy. In the first year of marriage, there are also people who give red envelopes during the winter festival, but these things have nothing to do with her.

Luo Bi didn't understand the analysis, so he told Fengling. Fengling had a clear mind, but he had no intention of explaining it to Luo Bi. He said indifferently: "Don't worry, just take it if it's given to you."

Since the man said this, Luo Bi ignored it and put it away.

"The imperial soldiers are too rich. Tang Shao and Lan Xun both gave 10 million interstellar coins." The Zhu family and the Huang family both have the ability of the same family. Tang Shao and Luo Bi are not sure. Lan Xun is a branch of the Lan family. As soon as they take action It was 10 million interstellar coins, which was really beyond Luo Bi's expectation.

"Tang Shao and Lan Xun have very strong personal abilities." Fengling took Luo Bi to count the inventory and counted the supplies to make sure they knew what they were doing: "As major-level officers, it is no problem to spend 10 million interstellar coins, even if you are not married. Have savings.”

Luo Bi sighed inexplicably and followed Fengling back and forth to count the supplies. After a while, she said, "Lan Xun and I are not familiar with each other, so why don't we give him up?"

Fengling looked at Luo Bi: "How do you want Lan Xun to deal with this?"

Lan Xun got the spoon, so he gave him the same number of interstellar coins as everyone else. If Luo Bi didn't want it, it would make Lan Xun think too much. Zhan Di, He Yun, and Tang Shao want everything they have, but not Lan Xun. What do you want Lan Xun to think?

Luo Bi said immediately: "Forget it."

Fengling took stock of the supplies and gave all the millet birds to the combat team. She had just replaced a pile of raw corn at home. Fengling also noticed that Luo Bi didn't like the millet birds very much, and it wasn't finished until it was cleaned.

In this case, why not give it away.

The combat team that got the millet bird couldn't take advantage, so they each found ginseng grass from the inventory, picked out the fifth-level ones, and gave five plants to Luo Bi. Millet is a low-level nutritious food, and its meat quality is not inferior to that of pheasant. Everyone is satisfied with the replacement of ginseng and grass.

After calculating the days, Luo Bi asked Fengling to go back to her parents' house to stay for a few days. Hua Ran went over to feed and water the partridges at home every day, and also took a look at the planting fields in the front and back yards.

Fengling didn't understand what Luo Bi meant at first, but when the Winter Festival was approaching, Fengling finally figured it out. Luo Bi was guarding against someone from the Emperor Star royal family. Last year the eldest princess Feng Shu made a scene, but this year Luo Bi simply avoided seeing her. The second prince Fengze came full of scheming and didn't even see Luo Bi.

I originally wanted to give this woman a blow, but it turned out that no one saw her.

A trip from Emperor Star failed, but Fengze returned without success. He couldn't see Luo Bi, so he might as well talk to Fengling and the brothers.

Fengze called Fengling. Luo Bi took off the communicator from Fengling's wrist and threw it on the bed to watch. On the other side, Fengze waited anxiously. Luo Bi spent time staring at the communicator and Fengze.

Luo Bi is an idler. She is not needed for anything at home, so she has time to waste.

Fengling glanced at it and let Luo Bi make trouble.

Fengze didn't have time to spare. In the end, he couldn't bear the other party's refusal to answer the call, so he had to hang up the call in frustration.

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