Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1823 It’s really useless

Fengze arrived at Feizhuxing in the morning and returned to Emperorxing in the afternoon.

The underground city of Jade Bamboo Star was bustling for a few days, and then people became worried about the crops in the farmland. Because the temperature was too low, the emergence of rice, wheat, purple corn, and soybeans was relatively late.

Moreover, the germination rate is very low.

The crop emergence rates of Xun Lao Lao, Tang Lao Lao, He Lao Lao and Wenjia Xiao Huoqiu are quite high, with almost 90% of them sprouting. It's just that the weather is too cold, and the stems of rice seedlings and wheat seedlings are thin, so whether they can grow up is a problem.

Yan Shao's flowers and plants have also sprouted, but no one is allowed to get close to the planting field. No one is allowed to see it, not the precious ones.

He Weiting and He Weiqing went for a walk several times and walked around the planting fields, but they didn't see even a single blade of grass. Okay, the two of them have given up and won't look at it if they don't want to, and they don't care much about flowers and plants.

During this winter season, what everyone is most looking for are winter supplies and nutritious ingredients.

As for flowers and plants?

forget it! You can't eat or use it. It really has no use other than eye candy.

The rice seedlings were not growing well, and Xun Lao Shao was very worried. He called Tang Lao Lao, He Lao Lao, and Yan Lao Lao to discuss a solution, and Wen's Little Fireball also came over. Wen's little fireball was very happy after hearing this. Fortunately, it knew how to heat up the crops in the farmland.

So, while everyone was busy buying ingredients, the spoons were busy looking for stones to carry back to the plant defense cover. Under the guidance of Wen's little fireball, they failed several times and finally built a simple small stove.

This was a big deal. The ladles were even more motivated to move the rocks. They picked and picked the smoothest ones and moved them back, putting them in groups of two to form a small stove. One at a certain distance, another at a certain distance, picked up dry firewood and lit it, which raised the temperature in the plant defense cover several degrees.

The spoons kept up their efforts and continued to build small stoves out of stones.

It doesn't matter if the heat is small, but there are too many small stoves that can't hold it. There are fire sources everywhere, and the temperature in the plant defense cover is gradually raised by the spoon. As the temperature rises, the crop seedlings gradually become more vigorous, but the temperature is still low, so the growth is very slow.

Tomorrow is the Interstellar Winter Festival. Fengling tidied up the house, and Luo Bi followed her around. Fengling said: "You are not needed here, so take the scale flowers and go play with Zhu Xingzhi and the others."

Luo Bi thought about it, it was okay, moved a small box of scale flowers and said, "Then I'm going to play."

Fengling nodded: "Go."

Luo Bi had her own circle of friends, so she went out to find the children of the Zhu family to fry scale flowers. Each person put a small box together, and they discussed and played to see whose scale flowers were beautiful and could explode the loudest.

There was a burst of explosions, and a box exploded.

The ones who were not blown up accompanied others to explode. When everyone was gone, you looked at me and I looked at you. The playful Zhu Xingrong was the first to run away: "I still have some at home, I'll go home and get them."

"I'll go home and get it too." Zhu Xingzhi also ran away.

"I, I, I..." This is the little stammering Zhu Xing Subaru.

Luo Bi was so anxious for him: "Leave me alone, go home and get it!"

Just as Zhu Xing Subaru was about to open his mouth, but he was worried that he would continue to stutter, the child nodded vigorously and ran away.

Seeing his brothers all running home to get the scallops, Zhu Xingbao opened his mouth: "I, I...I'll go home and get some fried fish. Third aunt must have fried them. My fried fish is delicious." "

Luo Bi raised her chin: "Would you like to eat it for me?"

Zhu Xingbao said flatteringly: "I'll give it to you."

Luo Bi smiled with satisfaction and went home.

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