Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1827: Scheming

Luo Bi didn't know what she wanted to eat at all. She looked at the man and Fengling understood: "I brought cucumbers back from the headquarters. I will roast the meat of the exotic beasts later and choose a cucumber."

After saying that, the man went back to the house to take a shower, changed into military uniform and came out.

In addition to the meat of exotic beasts, Fengling also brought back green melons from the Jade Bamboo Star headquarters this time. The juicy green melons had tender little thorns and looked fresh at first sight. Most of them were picked.

"Did you buy it? Or was it issued by the headquarters' logistics department?" Luo Bi took two cucumbers and washed them under the sink. The price of cucumbers is not low. They can be sold for 500 interstellar coins each in the market. No one else can buy them. Let's talk about weight with you.

"It's from the logistics department." Fengling cut one-fifth of the exotic animal meat, put the ribs aside to marinate, then threw the energy wood into the oven and lit it: "Did you see those two green persimmons? Put the eggs in tomorrow Stew for you to drink."

Luo Bi nodded, washed the cucumber and water-controlled it: "You can make it later, the one I made doesn't taste good."

"Put it there." Fengling waited for the energy wood to start burning, then put the exotic animal meat and ribs on the grill.

Taking advantage of this free time, Luo Bi went to the planting field in the front yard to count partridges. In fact, there was no need to count them, there were only eleven, and no matter how many times they were counted, they could not become twelve. Not only that, because partridge chickens stopped laying eggs due to poor nutrition, Luo Bi had not eaten partridge eggs for a long time.

She kicked away the hay and looked for it again and again. There were indeed no partridge eggs.

Therefore, tomorrow we can only make green persimmon soup with eggs. There is one egg in the carton Fengling brought back, but not one more. I still have three eggs at home. I got them from the logistics department and saved them slowly. The days are going by so fast.

At this time Qi Yan came to the door. The child went up the mountain with his mother to look for ingredients today and dug more than ten kilograms of wild vegetables. After asking his mother, Qi Yan gave Luo Bi a kilogram, but Fan Yao would not agree to any more.

If Luo Bi hadn't led Qi Yan to harvest millet, the Yang family would hardly be able to eat nutritious food now.

Fan Yao knew it well, so Qi Yan proposed sending wild vegetables, and she had no objection.

"You can eat the wild vegetables you worked so hard for, don't give them to me." Luo Bi didn't have the nerve to ask for them. She knew the situation of the Yang family best. The whole family pointed to Yang Yu for his mission, and a handful of wild vegetables was good.

Of course, in Luo Bi's eyes, she also cared about wild vegetables, but she couldn't ask for them.

"I still have it at home." Qi Yan put it down and ran away.

Okay, I have to take it now. Luo Bi took it and put it in the kitchen area.

Fengling glanced away and continued to sprinkle the seasonings and turn the ingredients. Luo Bi is destined to have children, and he can't stop her. It's better to let nature take its course. As long as Luo Bi doesn't make noises about having children, anything can be said.

Raising children for others? !

It doesn't exist at all in Fengling's life.

There was a plate of cold cucumbers on the dinner table. Luo Bi's appetite increased greatly. She ate several pieces of the roasted and fragrant pork ribs. After Fengling picked up the cucumbers with a few chopsticks, Luo Bi ate them all.

Eat it as a snack, not as a meal.

Fengling glanced at the barbecue on the table, and a strange light flashed in her eyes. Luo Bishe was good at eating, but she was also good at calculating. After the meal, at first glance it seemed that Luo Bi was greedy and ate all the dishes on the plate.

In fact, Luo Bi saved the meat for him without leaving any trace.

He was scheming, but he used it in this aspect, which is still silly to say.

Fengling stretched out her hand to pull Luo Bi into her arms and took a piece of grilled steak: "Take another bite."

Luo Bi refused to eat: "I'm full."

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