Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1828: Foodies are all used to it.

Fengling coaxed her for a while, but Luo Bi took one bite and then stopped eating. She wanted to get off Fengling when she was full.

Fengling didn't let go, she hadn't seen anyone for several days, Fengling was thinking about her in her heart, and now that she was in his arms, she wanted to hold her for a little longer: "Let me hold her for a while, I have to go on a mission again in two days. "

Luo Bi stopped talking and leaned into the man's arms to talk nonsense, asking about the status of the mission.

She was more concerned about how many people were going on the mission together, who they were, and how powerful the alien beasts were. Fengling was already used to this way of eating. She ate slowly and told Luo Bi everything.

"Who are the gifted bonders? Who is following the mission of the first combat team?" The gifted bonders are all women. Luo Bi has to ask clearly. If you want to ask why? I don’t know, but Luo Bi needs to ask clearly.

She doesn't have to go on missions, but she can't know nothing.

"You haven't eaten enough yet?" Jiang Yixin came over after eating, holding a paper bag in his hand. He put it on the table beside him and said, "Luo Bi, I brought you a bag of river melon seeds. You can try it later, it will be crispy and fragrant."

Luo Bi got off Fengling and went over to open the paper bag. It turned out to be river melon seeds: "Where did you buy them? I haven't eaten river melon seeds for a long time. Why did you bring them to me if you didn't eat them yourself?"

"My parents bought it from Emperor Star and sent it to me. Knowing that you like to eat it, I wanted to let you try it." Jiang Yixin found a stool to sit on, took the river melon seeds that Luo Bi caught for him and ate them.

You see, foodies are used to it.

Originally, a foodie has the potential to eat, and his family pampers him and brings good things to him. Over time, his potential is stimulated and he becomes a real foodie.

"Didn't you just ask who is following the mission? I know, let me tell you." Jiang Yixin sipped the melon seeds and said: "We are all our own people. We have Qin Cui and Huang Xinling. I will leave you alone. You will be here in two days." going or not?"

Wei Zi and Luo Bi have a good relationship, so Jiang Yixin can be counted among their own.

"I won't go." Luo Bi knew better.

Jiang Yixin was a little disappointed: "Why don't you go?"

"I can't help, what should I do?" Luo Bi was helpless: "I feel uncomfortable when I refine it now. I can't describe what I feel. I have a headache, my brain is very tired, and I feel tired. I'm probably tired of this line of work. .”

Jiang Yixin nodded understandingly: "No wonder you didn't go to the competition. All the students in the college went back to compete, but you didn't go."

"I get annoyed when I come into contact with refining, so why bother competing?" Luo Bi said in a bad tone.

"Don't refine it now that you feel sick. It's harder to go on a mission. I can rest assured if you stay at home." Fengling stood up and put away the dishes. He could afford to feed Luo Bi even if she didn't do anything.

Luo Bi rushed to do it: "I'll do it, you and Jiang Yixin go ahead."

Jiang Yixin did have official business this time. Fengling retracted her hand, raised her feet and sat down on the sofa with Jiang Yixin. Jiang Yixin took out a small formation disk, which was not big and offensive, and there were more than a dozen bottles of elixir.

"My family can only spare these. This formation disk is an intermediate attack formation disk. Its lethality and attack attributes are unclear." Jiang Yixin asked the family for help, and her father hurriedly saved some resources and sent them over: "The talented people in our family refined the formation disk that was just released. There are still energy stones. Our combat team is not short of them, so I didn't mention it."

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