Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1834 Flame Duck Beast

He Yun glanced around, pointed to a steep hillside and said, "He Xiang, take Qin Cui and the others to the hillside."

He Xiang nodded, Luo Bi got off Fengling, and the women climbed the hillside together. Luo Bi looked up from the bottom. This hillside was called a hill instead of a hillside. The slope was so steep that it was difficult to climb.

Wei Zi was in good physical condition and was the first to climb the hillside. When his feet slipped, Wei Zi immediately grabbed the bush and used his strength to climb up the hillside. Huang Xinling and Zhou Ya followed closely behind, followed by He Xiang and Qin Cui.

Everyone was following one another, but Luo Bi kept distance from them. He Xiang reached out to pull her, and Luo Bi shook her head: "No need."

She has no habit of relying on others when it comes to mountain climbing and the like.

Luo Bi took a fancy to a bush, grabbed a branch and pulled it. She felt that the roots of the bush were deep enough, and then she grabbed the branch and climbed up. She saw it just now. Zhou Ya couldn't grasp the bush well and was shaken.

The branches of some shrubs are not strong and can fall down accidentally.

There are many rugged rocks on the hillside, covered with a thick layer of snow. The terrain of the mountain forest here is relatively flat, so the women can search for supplies in the forest without being able to help in the battle.

The situation on the hillside was unclear, and no one was interested in doing anything else. They all watched from a high position.

He Yun and Qin Yilang made some arrangements. Everyone checked their equipment and rushed forward with jade swords in hand.

The Flame Duck Beast is shaped like a duck, with a round body and a herbivorous type. An adult Flame Duck Beast weighs over a thousand kilograms. Although it is called a first-level alien beast after its combat power breakthrough, it is actually a former Level Five Alien Beast, so its combat power is naturally not weak.

The ranking level is called Level 1. Actually, you will know after trying it.

If you don't make a few gestures, you don't know how powerful a first-level alien beast is.

The combat team members followed closely behind, swung their swords and rushed forward to attack several Flame Duck Beasts. The Flame Duck Beasts had just broken through the combat power, and it was at the stage where they had no way to use their strength. They were fighting against many enemies with a small number, and their combat effectiveness was not weak at all. .

The nearby strange beasts moved upon hearing the wind, and more than a dozen flaming duck beasts came over one after another.

Damn it, the combat team members suddenly thought, why did they stab the alien beasts just after they arrived? They could still deal with a few flaming duck beasts, but they were so busy when so many came at once.

On the hillside, He Xiang directed everyone to shoot with energy guns to contain the strange beasts as much as possible. It doesn't matter if they can't kill them or cause trouble, as long as they can help.

The duck beast has a rough skin and really can't be killed.

Among the few people, except Luo Bi, He Xiang and the others were trained in the academy, and their marksmanship skills were passable. The target of the Flame Duck Beast is so large that it cannot hit the vital point, but it is still possible to hit the target.

He Xiang, Wei Zi, Huang Xinling, Qin Cui, and Zhou Ya all fired together to interfere with the battle of the alien beasts. Luo Bi looked at the battlefield below, then at He Xiang and the others. No one was distracted, and they all concentrated on shooting.

Not to mention, it hit, but it couldn't kill the strange beast.

The Flame Duck Beast was stimulated one after another and was successfully enraged. It flapped its wings angrily and breathed out several Thunder Flame Warriors at once.

Luo Bi's eyes paused and she was startled. What the hell, it was one thing to know that the beasts with upgraded combat power were powerful. But after seeing them, she finally understood why Qin Cui, He Xiang, and Zhou Ya were frightened. The fighting on the battlefield was too fierce.

Against such an alien energy gun, it was just like a decoration and of no use at all. Luo Bi looked at He Xiang and the others and said, "The energy gun is of no use!"

Zhou Ya said angrily: "It's better than just watching."

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