Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1835 Just hit it

He Xiang also said: "I have counted, there are a total of twelve alien beasts. There are too many alien beasts, and the Thunder Flame warriors may not be able to defeat them. We can't kill the alien beasts with energy guns, but we can interfere and contain them as much as possible." Keep the attention of strange beasts.”

Luo Bi didn't know if He Xiang's words made sense, using decorations to contain strange beasts? From her point of view, it was quite embarrassing.

Zhou Ya looked down on Luo Bi's Jiji Waiwai and rolled her eyes at Luo Bi.

Luo Bi's eyes were sharp and she saw: "..." Damn!

Everyone was doing their part, but Luo Bi couldn't do anything. Her eyes swept across the battlefield, choosing from the twelve Flame Duck Beasts, and settled on a target.

She didn't think about it in the melee. Luo Bi chose the peripheral beasts.

This flaming duck beast is relatively passive and slow to work, always attacking from the edge, so Luo Bi beats it.

After fighting, Luo Bi did not take action immediately. She was thinking, even though she knew that the hit would not work, which part should be hit?

Luo Bi had seen it, and it was absolutely useless to hit him on the body. He didn't pay attention to the hooves. Looking at the whole body of the Flame Duck Beast, the mouth and eyes were the most conspicuous. Okay, given the two choices, Luo Bi chose to hit the flaming duck in the eye.

Eyeballs are relatively fragile.

In less than a minute, Luo Bi made a decision.

Ignoring whether it hit or not, Luo Bi aimed at the flaming duck beast's eyes and shot.

As a result, the shot was fired with a damn accurate shot. It hit the eyeball. The alien beast blinked and hit the eyelid with a "bang" and it collapsed.

I don’t know where Beng went. Anyway, Beng disappeared when he left.

Oops, Luo Bi's eyes kept saying: "..."

Are your eyelids so strong?

How to fight this?

No way to start!

Looking at the battlefield again, that flaming duck beast's eyelids hurt! I'm not blind, but my eyelids are sore. Quack, quack, the Flame Duck Beast flapped its wings and jumped up. This guy no longer started at the edge, but jumped into the center to vent his anger.

These human beings are so bad that they look like beasts.

Quack, quack, smack, the wings fluttered.

A piece of soiled snow flew up and fell again. The faces of the Thunder Flame warriors changed drastically and they immediately retreated. The Flame Duck Beast would only suffer a loss if it rushed forward in anger.

At this time, there was some chaos on the battlefield, and the fighting between the two sides became more intense.

At a glance, the snow on the ground was flying up. The Flame Duck Beast screamed very noisily. It kicked its hooves and flapped its wings. Every movement caused a cloud of flying snow. The superpower of the Thunder Flame Warrior also blew up a lot of snow on the ground. Snow.

On a sunny day it looks like snow.

Luo Bi squinted her eyes, looked at the target and hit the alien hoof again, okay! After the strange beast with sore eyelids, there was another strange beast with a stinging hoof that hurt.

Another strange beast became angry, and the battlefield became a mess.

Luo Bi didn't dare to take action at first sight. It couldn't kill Jing Gonghuo, and the effect of using the energy gun was not good at all.

He Xiang and Wei Zi were frightened when they saw it, and their hands holding the energy guns were shaking a little. This time they had to go back to the Huang family to summon the ghost again. The twelve Flame Duck Beasts were extremely restless, and the situation was difficult to control. They didn't know what would happen next.

Luo Bi was also nervous and immediately discussed with the others: "What should we do? The alien beasts are in chaos and may rush over. Let's run away quickly! This will save us trouble for the combat team."

Zhou Ya disdainfully said: "If you are so cowardly, I won't leave."

He Xiang looked at the battlefield and frowned: "Don't panic yet, we have two combat teams."

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