Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1836 Miraculous Balance

Including Qin Cui, Wei Zi, and Huang Xinling, no one listened to Luo Bi's suggestion.

They felt that the Thunder Flame Warrior could still withstand it. Although the fighting on the battlefield was fierce, the outcome of the Thunder Flame Warrior and the Flame Duck Beast had not yet been determined. It was too early to retreat at this moment.

Luo Bi assessed the situation, glanced at the battlefield, then at the helping women with energy guns, and then looked at the battlefield that was about to explode. After struggling for two minutes, Luo Bi didn't care whether Ai should leave or not. She wouldn't be with him anyway.

There are mountains and forests to the east, and Luo Bi plans to walk further in this direction.

At this time, the Thunder Flame warriors on the battlefield seemed to be unable to withstand it anymore, and the twelve flame duck beasts became more and more manic.

Luo Bi raised her feet and walked toward the forest. Her ears were filled with the squawking sounds of a group of duck beasts. The ground was covered with snow and had pits and rocks. Fortunately, the terrain at the foot of Qinchao Mountain was relatively flat.

She walked out for a short distance, picked a large tree with many branches, threw out the step ladder with a wave of her hand, shook it to make sure it was securely placed, and climbed up on the flat steps.

As soon as she climbed up the tree, the Thunder Flame warriors over there couldn't stand it anymore.

At this time, the energy guns of several women attracted the Flame Duck Beast, and one Flame Duck Beast flapped its wings and ran towards the hillside. When the Thunder Flame warriors saw that they were going to be spoiled, they stopped fighting and started chasing after them, with the strange beasts behind them chasing after them.

On the hillside, Wei Zi was shocked and said: "Run quickly."

Wei Ting dragged He Xiang and Huang Xinling away. Zhou Ya fell down, and Qin Cui stretched out his hand to pull her up and ran towards the forest with towering rocks.

Behind, the Thunder Flame warriors ran past the strange beast. The Flame Duck Beast became anxious when it saw it, and tightened its wings to pursue it. Looking from a distance, a piece of flying snow was blown up, and the ground was covered with mud.

On Qinchang Mountain, the hunting team and mercenary group were all sweating when they saw it.

When Luo Bi heard the cry of the strange beast and saw He Xiang and the others stumbling over, she knew something was wrong.

When He Xiang, Wei Zi, Huang Xinling, Qin Cui, and Zhou Ya quickly ran to the big tree where Luo Bi was, twelve Flame Duck Beasts chased the Thunder Flame Warrior up the hillside, jumping and jumping on the rocks.

Luo Bi lay on the tree and shouted: "Fengling, I'm on the tree."

Fengling heard the sound and looked over. She felt relieved when she saw Luo Bi was safe in the tree. Fengling had high physical fitness, so she rushed to the foot of the tree past the other combat team members, jumped up onto the tree, hugged Luo Bi, jumped off the tree, and continued running.

People on both sides met, and He Xiang and others retreated in the middle, protected by Leiyan warriors.

Behind them, twelve flaming duck beasts were chasing after them. He Xiang and Zhou Ya fell several times, and the sergeant easily picked them up, dragged them away, and ran away. Women were weak and couldn't run fast with a sergeant dragging them around. Qin Yilang had no choice but to order the sergeant to carry several women on his back.

The Flame Duck Beast became more and more excited as it chased, and the ground shook when its hooves landed on the snow and stamped on it.

Luo Bi lay on Feng Ling's shoulder and looked back, anxious and wanting to laugh at the same time. Was this killing a strange beast? This is about who can run faster.

The two sides competed, and the speeds were miraculously even.

It can be seen from this that the Flame Duck Beast is just bluffing and has no running ability. Even though it runs with great energy, fluttering its wings and squawking, it actually doesn't run very fast without bleating.

The two combat teams were chased by twelve flaming duck beasts and circled around the rocky area. They fought and retreated, never giving up on fighting.

Even so, there was no time to take a breath.

After going around and around, everyone actually went all the way to Qinxi Mountain.

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