Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1848 I heard that eating is smarter than anyone else

He Yun smiled and scolded: "You kid, you are smarter than anyone else when you hear what you are eating."

He Qian is his cousin, and they have a good relationship.

He Qian just pretended not to hear it. What should I do if I don't work hard enough to eat the little native pigs caught by the people of the first combat team? He Qian has a good memory, but he still remembers how Zhou Ya criticized others at noon.

Jiang Yixin brought hot water, and Li Feng and Wen Xiao went to clean up the little pig. It was only a three-pound pig, and the three of them crowded together to scratch it.

Luo Bi also went over to watch the fun. After the little native pig was cleaned up, everyone studied how to eat it.

A small native pig is simply not enough points, so you need to think carefully about how to do it. Because the local pork was tender, Li Feng roasted it according to the method of roasting suckling pig, cut another piece of meat and put it in the wild vegetables to stew the soup.

In the large pot for stewing soup, put more wild vegetables and add more water, and each sergeant can share a portion.

Jiang Yixin took the lead and took out a fifth-level ginseng grass. He Qian and Wei Yuan also took out a fifth-level ginseng grass each. Wen Xiao took a look and took out a 100-year-old Sanzhi.

There are so many good things that Li Feng makes cooking easy. First stir-fry the local pork with ginger, onion and garlic. When the flavor is absorbed, add water and add wild vegetables.

It took time to make the soup, so Li Feng turned around and turned the roasted pig over and sprinkled it with seasonings. The seasonings were mainly bay leaves, supplemented by other seasonings.

Sure enough, as Li Feng said, such delicious meat, with the addition of fragrant leaves, did not attract several other hunting teams and mercenary groups. Jiang Yixin was watching from the side, so greedy that no one else looked at it.

When dinner was cooked, the sergeants still shared a pound of dried meat each. There was wild vegetable broth in the pot. Everyone was not polite and rushed to grab the broth to drink. If they were lucky, they could also eat tender pork.

The small local pork is delicious. If you move quickly, you can grab the meat. If you move slowly, it's embarrassing. A portion of broth only has wild vegetables and no meat.

Li Feng was thinking about Qin Cui and left a small piece of roast pork. Li Feng also told Luo Bi, and Luo Bi knew it. Li Feng left it for Qin Cui, Huang Xinling, He Xiang, and Wei Ting. .

As for Zhou Ya? No matter who she is, she is not from the first combat team.

Several senior officers shared half a piece of roast pork, a small piece for each person, just to taste it.

Don't even think about eating when you're full, and don't even look at how big a little pig is.

The sergeants drank the soup to replenish their energy, so they just had a taste. No matter how high the nutritional content of the little native pig was, it couldn't stand up to the crowd. Think about it, for 200 people, the soup would be too much.

After eating, everyone sat together to chat about the day's battles and sum up their experiences.

When Qin Cui, Huang Xinling and others came back, Li Feng pulled Qin Cui aside and gave her the roast pork: "It's for you and Huang Xinling, He Xiang, and Wei Xi, not Zhou Ya's share."

"If I had known there were little native pigs to eat, I wouldn't have gone to the Feng family hunting team." Of course Qin Cui knew not to feed Zhou Ya, so she nodded and went to call the others.

Zhou Ya didn't know anything, Qin Cui, He Xiang and the others went to the kitchen area to eat delicious food without saying a word.

Who can blame this? Because of her talent, she was picky and picky, and even if there was delicious food, she wouldn't be allowed to eat it.

The next day, the combat team went through several more battles, and the women still collected supplies, looking for wild vegetables, fruits, and spiritual plants.

When it was time to eat, Luo Bi had roasted native pig, so she didn't eat any more dried meat. Zhou Ya saw it and was depressed because she didn't even have a good meal. A woman is different when she marries well. She didn't feel it before, but now looking at Luo Bi, this woman has made a profit by marrying Fengling.

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