Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1849 Zhi Huangxing

The morning was fine. We had just eaten lunch and the hunting team and mercenary group had not yet taken action. Two imperial concubine pigs appeared on Qinchang Mountain.

The Thunder Flame warriors didn't know what to say. When the alien beast reached level two, they had to go all out to deal with it. Now that it had reached the level of a monster, it was still a level seven monster. How could they do the next task? !

Everyone didn't even hesitate and made the decision to get on the spacecraft and leave.

Everyone doesn't know how powerful the Royal Pig is after it's upgraded, so it's better not to try it. If you want to test the Royal Pig's combat power and let others test it, they'll forget about it and have no interest in it.

The spaceship flew directly to the Zhihuang Star. When it arrived at the Zhihuang Star garrison base, the spacecraft landed in front of the first material warehouse. Lieutenant General Mi Yue, Mi Fatty, held a small optical brain with a smile. He had been waiting for a long time.

"This old boy." Qin Yilang laughed and scolded: "Every time Lieutenant General Mi applied for equipment resources, he was always blocked. When it came time to count the supplies, he was more active than anyone else."

"No." He Gan answered.

Luo Bi glanced at He Qian, she dared to accept such words, she was awesome.

It takes time for Lieutenant General Mi Yue to count the supplies of the two combat teams. Lingzhi is counted according to level points, and wild vegetables, fruits, etc. are weighed. Each part of the exotic beast has a different value. Lieutenant General Mi Yue can't wait to break it apart to count.

Luo Bi took this opportunity to go back to Zhihuangxing's home. She hadn't been back here for a long time. She met several family members who were returning from shopping for groceries. She said hello and hurried home. She was worried that she would meet Lan Qiao's missing person. Mind-boggling bastard.

There was a lot of nonsense, and Luo Bi had no time to talk to her.

Luo Bi opened the door and went in. Fengling installed the energy panel and the indoor temperature was very comfortable. However, the flowers and plants were basically withered because they had not been taken care of for a long time. Luo Bi poured some water and left them alone.

Live or die if you love, or pull if you don't live.

Just as Luo Bi was going to the planting field on the balcony, Fengling's call came over. The man said: "It will take another hour to inventory the materials. I will attend the military meeting later. I probably won't be able to return to Feizhu Star today. If you are tired, go to bed first." Sleep."

Luo Bi thought she would be able to return to Jade Bamboo Star soon, but it was just some wild vegetables and fruits. It was so troublesome to count them. She nodded: "Okay, I understand."

Fengling was dealing with Lieutenant General Mi. She stepped away a little and told Luo Bi: "There are no ingredients at home. You can use snacks to make up for it. We will go to the base restaurant to eat in the evening."

"I won't go to the restaurant." Luo Bi thought of the two native pigs in the colorful bracelet, as if sharing it with Fengling: "You come back early, I want to eat at home, I will prepare the ingredients."

Fengling thought about the ingredients for this mission. It would be the same as eating them at home: "Okay, I'll try to go back as early as possible."

After hanging up the communication, Luo Bi went to the balcony and threw the two native pigs out. As expected, both native pigs died. She looked around and didn't know how to clean it up, and it was difficult to ask for help in making food. She was at her wits end.

Nowadays, nutritious food is in short supply, and Luo Bike knows very well the principle of keeping wealth private.

After thinking for a while, Luo Bi dialed a message to Hua Ran: "Brother, take your father and mother back to Zhihuang Planet. I caught two little native pigs and I don't know how to clean them up. Come and help me clean them out. Everyone Let’s have a meal together.”

"You caught two native pigs?!" Hua Ran was surprised, and Luo Hang next to him was overjoyed.

Luo Bi said "Ah" and said Hua Ran: "I can't go through today. The moo beasts at home can't live without people, and one of them is going to give birth to a little moo beast."

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