Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1856 Great nutritional supplements

The family members of the garrison base went home, and they were all too concerned about raising partridge chickens.

Since entering the galaxy war season, the prices of food ingredients have only increased but not decreased, which inevitably makes people feel a sense of crisis. Raising some partridge chickens can not only stabilize the combat power of the Thunder Flame warriors, but is also a great source of nutritional supplements for women.

This is the first batch of partridge chickens. The family members have been raising them carefully since they brought them home. They were worried about getting cold or getting hot. They were also worried about holding on after asking questions frequently. They were all so concerned, but the breeder said they were freezing. .

Okay, the breeder said it's frozen, so let's keep the little partridge chicken warm.

As a result, after one night, not a single one was left dead.

Ask the breeder what's going on? The breeder said again that the temperature was too high.

Families of the garrison: "······"

You're right no matter what, sometimes it's cold, sometimes it's hot, you fooled the little partridge to death. If not all of the partridge chickens are dead, the breeder will probably suggest letting them go for a walk.

The family members of the garrison finally understood that they couldn't believe everything the breeder said, they were full of nonsense.

The family members enthusiastically raised partridge chickens, but after raising them for two nights, there was not one left. The family members with a bad temper were so angry that they didn't eat for several meals. You said it would be fine if she didn't care enough about raising them. She didn't sleep well at night because of the little partridges, and they all died. Thinking about it makes you angry.

In fact, after entering the galaxy war season, it is not only difficult to raise poultry, but there are also various problems in planting. The emergence rate of crops and vegetables is low, the seedlings cannot grow, and even the weeds are not strong.

Talented bonders focus on refining and don't care about these. They just want to refine powerful array disks, array weapons, and high-grade elixirs.

Luo Bi spent the whole morning digging purple grape trees, hoeing weeds and chopping vine branches. She and Zhu Xingbao counted five purple grape trees dug in total. The branches of the purple grape tree are dried and can be broken into sections and used as firewood. Ingredients roasted with purple grape wood can better retain nutritional energy.

"It's almost noon, let's quit." Luo Bi hugged a pile of purple grape wood and planned to move it to the hill.

Zhu Xingbao also followed behind with a small pile in his arms: "Luo Bi, what should we eat for lunch?"

"If Fengling doesn't come back for dinner, we'll grill the ingredients and you'll cut a pound of exotic animal meat later." The hill in the yard is in the south, not too far away from the planting fields, so the two of them moved around while talking.

Zhu Xingbao came down the hill and ran to cut the meat of exotic animals. Luo Bi was so tired from moving twice alone that she quit working. Luo Bi had already gone to the planting field, but she gave up her job again and jumped off the planting field to go to the large balcony living room.

Luo Bi washed two red fruits and shared them with Zhu Xingbao. She opened the vegetable box and looked at them. She took out a few items suitable for grilling and cut them into skewers with exotic animal meat. At this time, Zhu Xingbao had already lit the oven and put the ingredients on it. Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao were busy working together.

Who bakes and eats, these two people don't have to worry about the other.

Zhu Xingbao was like a little adult in front of Luo Bi, and no one else had to worry about him. He pinched dried red peppers and sprinkled them over, turned the ingredients over and sprinkled them again, leaving a handful of kebabs full of peppers.

Luo Bi was eating vegetable skewers and looked over: "Don't give it to me. Are you eating skewers? Are you eating chili peppers?"

"It tastes delicious with chili pepper." Zhu Xingbao sprinkled the chili pepper again.

Luo Bi: "······"

While eating rice, Luo Bi thought about going to Jade Bamboo Star in the afternoon to send the native pig to her parents' family. She was not in a hurry to dig up the purple grape tree. She hadn't decided what to plant yet.

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