Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1857 I’ve had ideas since I was a child

The growth of the Jade Bamboo Star seeds was average, so Luo Bi was not active in planting them.

After lunch, Luo Bi told Fengling her thoughts. Fengling didn't say much. She hung up the phone and thought about it for a moment. Then she contacted Wei Wei, who had come to the Zhihuang Star Military Headquarters for a meeting, and asked him about his return to Feizhu Planet. time.

Wei Yu said: "I'm eating, I'll be back soon."

"My wife plans to go back to Jade Bamboo Star. I'm worried about her and Zhu Xingbao, so let her take your airship." Fengling and Wei Yu were in the same circle, and they didn't go around the bush and stated their purpose directly.

"No problem, just ask them to come over right away. I'll leave in ten minutes." Wei Yu had already finished the military meeting in the morning and was still busy when he got back, so he made a full schedule.

Fengling was also a serving officer and knew very well that Wei Yu had a tight schedule, so she immediately went home to pick up Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao.

Luo Bi heard that she was going to Jade Bamboo Star immediately. She didn't want to take a nap until she knew it. She went through the ingredients at home in her mind and felt that there was nothing to take except the native pig that she had packed away.

"Take half of the exotic animal meat." Fengling said.

"No, one native pig is enough." Luo Bi took a brand-new small carton to put the native pig in. Because time was tight, she didn't forget to urge Zhu Xingbao: "Zhu Xingbao, hurry up and pack your little backpack, we will leave right away. .”

Zhu Xingbao put on his small backpack and ran out of the guest bedroom: "I packed it."

Fengling was not involved in what Luo Bi brought to her family. After Luo Bi changed her clothes, she took a cloak and tied it on Luo Bi. When they arrived at the parking area of ​​the military spacecraft, Wei Ye and his men had been waiting for a while.

"Should I pick you up, or should I come back by myself?" Fengling asked Luo Bi when they boarded the spacecraft.

"I'll come back by myself," said Luo Bi.

Fengling nodded. He had a meeting to hold. After watching the airship leave, he drove the hover car to the military headquarters.

It only takes twenty minutes to travel from Zhihuang Planet to Feizhu Planet. When the airship arrives at Feizhu Planet, Hua Ran has already driven a hover car to pick up people a few minutes ago. Zhu Xingbao jumped off the spacecraft with a small backpack on his back. Hua Ran took the small cardboard box from Luo Bi's hand and put it on the floating car. Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao then got on the car.

When he got home, Luo Hang couldn't help scolding him again: "There's no shortage of food at home. Just catch a native pig and you and Fengling eat it. Why did you bring it back? Do you, kid, know what's going on now?"

Luo Bi listened for a while and then said: "That's almost enough. I know better than you."

Luo Hang sighed and did not continue to talk. He had given birth to such a real child and had ideas since he was a child. He said that it would be useless for a long time. Fortunately, Fengling was reliable, and Luo Hang was lucky to have found a good son-in-law.

Luo Hang stopped complaining. Zhu Xingshao and Zhu Xingzhi drove a sports car to pick up the foodie boy. Luo Bi asked Hua Ran: "Is there any fresh Moo Moo milk at home? Give some to Zhu Xingbao and the others."

"Yes." Hua Ran went to pack five kilograms, then returned and stuffed it into Zhu Xingbao's arms.

Zhu Xingshao refused to ask for it: "No, no, it's too much."

Zhu Xingzhi sat in the sports car and waited. Zhu Xingshao and Guan Zhuting gave in. Luo Bi said to Zhu Xingshao: "Take it."

The friends knew Luo Bi's temper very well. Zhu Xingshao immediately stopped giving in. He said hello and got on the sports car. Zhu Xingbao had already climbed on. The sports car couldn't accommodate three people, so Zhu Xingbao climbed down again, and Zhu Xingshao sat down first.

When Zhu Xingbao sat on Zhu Xingzhi's lap, the three little brothers jumped in the sports car and left in a gust of wind.

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