Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1871 Grabbing the Formation Disk

At this time, the sky became gloomy, as if the situation was about to break out.

The powerful Thunder Flame warriors from this medicine shop caravan came over. One of the young men in a blue shirt looked Tong Wan up and down, and then his eyes fell on the Luo family's Thunder Flame warriors.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Luo Qing pulled Tong Wan: "Let's go, let's go shopping elsewhere."

"Ask the price before leaving!" Luo Heng's mother didn't want to leave. She had just come over and hadn't even looked at the items sold at the stall. Why did she leave? She won't leave.

The stalls of the Xue family caravan sell all refining materials, mainly spiritual plants. Spiritual plants with various attributes are neatly arranged. Next are jadeite, spar, various medicinal plants, and materials from various exotic animals.

"Are you going to sell, or are you just asking for the price?" How could Xue Changce let people leave? Even if there was a fight, the array would remain.

Tong Wan was unhappy: "I can't ask for the price!"

No one stipulates that after asking the price, you must buy it. Normally, there is nothing wrong with what Tong Wan said, but it depends on who she meets. The people of the Xue family are interested in the small array disk in her hand, so her words are very wrong. Gone.

"It really doesn't work." Xue Ce sneered. He took out the formation plate and wanted to take it away. It was a joke.

Luo Heng winked at everyone and signaled for them to leave quickly, and said to Tong Wan: "You don't want to sell, so why ask? You have a lot to do, so let's take a walk while we go shopping elsewhere."

At this time, even a fool could tell that something was wrong. Tong Wan was pulled behind Luo Qing. The Leiyan warriors of the younger generation of the Luo family instinctively stood in front and confronted the people of the Xue family caravan.

The children of the Luo family rarely go to war with other aristocratic families, and they have no confidence in their bones, but they are not cowards if they are forced to form a group. If the other party lets them go, it will be fine, but if they don't let them go, it will be a big deal.

"What's going on? Didn't we say anything?!" Someone else didn't see the situation clearly and muttered in a low voice: "Just ask and buy. Isn't this bullying! How can this be done?"

"That's right." Luo Niaoting agreed.

You're still arrogant. I don't know what the big eyes are for. Can't you tell that someone is clearly trying to steal your array? You deserve it, let you show off, you are in trouble!

Luo Bi hesitated for a moment, got out of the sports car, ran to Luo Qing and asked, "Can you beat them?"

He couldn't beat him, Luo Qing knew in his heart, but he couldn't say so. Tong Wan heard this and came over, holding a small formation disk and said: "We have a formation disk, so let's fight. Who is afraid of whom? There are so many of us plus the formation disk, don't believe it" Can’t beat them.”

Luo Qing thought about it, yes, Luo Shao's array was offensive and could attack strange beasts, so it should be no problem against the Thunder Flame Warriors. Their conversation was overheard by the Luo family disciples, and their morale immediately soared. With the array refined by Luo Sha, they had a great chance of winning.

Luo Bi was not optimistic about this. Seeing that each of the Luo family members didn't know how much they weighed, they just took a small formation disk with unknown attack capabilities and thought they had something to rely on, so she wanted to retreat.

If you can afford it, she won't participate.

Luo Bi thought about her words and asked, "Can you use me?" If she didn't, she would leave.

Tong Wan was playing with the small array and didn't pay attention to what Luo Bi said. Luo Qing was all focused on the confrontation with the other party. After hearing this, he said: "You are not needed, Luo Heng and I are here."

As long as it's not needed, Luo Bi said: "Then I'll go shopping elsewhere, I can't help."

"Go!" Luo Qing nodded.

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