Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1872 I can’t stand the enemy

Luo Bi glanced at the two groups of people who were still joking, walked to the sports car, lifted up her cloak, and said she was ready to leave.

Let's fight, whoever has the ability will ask for the formation, but she's not interested anyway.

The two groups of people were just arguing. Others had not noticed that the entire trading market was still in order.

Luo Bi drove her sports car through the crowd and exited the trading market. She had a spoon and she was not afraid of fights, but she would not participate in fights caused by being in the spotlight. If she had this free time, she might as well go to the mountains and forests to find ingredients.

As soon as Luo Bi entered the forest, the sky became darker and darker, and it was about to rain and snow.

After hesitating for a moment, Luo Bi drove the sports car and continued forward. She had already come, so there was no reason to go back without harvesting anything. She could just dig a handful of wild vegetables. She would go back after digging a handful.

Luo Bi brought a group of spoons by herself. She did not dare to go deep into the mountains and forests. If she saw a hunting team or a mercenary group along the way, she would turn the sports car and walk in another direction, or stop and wait for a while, and wait for the people to pass before continuing.

Even one of Luo Sha's small formation plates could cause a fight. She had led a group of spoons with intelligence turned on and it was better to be cautious. She didn't want to have a fight while looking for ingredients.

After driving in the mountains and forests for more than ten minutes, Luo Bi had already tried it out. Zhu Xingzhi's sports car was indeed a luxury car. It could drive on snow, go over potholes, and bushes without stopping the sports car from overcoming it.

No, she will buy one like this when she goes back. It is very suitable for mountain driving.

Except for the safe zone, Qingyao Star is a dangerous area. Driving in the open snowy forest, Luo Bi felt a little nervous. She walked a little further, and if there were no wild vegetables, she would go back.

She came out during her free time, and the fight would probably be over by the time she returned.

In fact, it felt like she was still at the edge of the mountain forest. The terrain here was gentle, the trees were sparser than elsewhere, and there were some shrubs growing. Perhaps because the resources are not abundant, there is no hunting team here. There are only Luo Bi and the curious spoons in the whole forest.

In this case, Luo Bi wanted to retreat even more.

The sky was extremely gloomy, and it was not clear whether it was rain or snow. The temperature in the mountains and forests dropped a bit. Luo Bi found a few snowy areas where wild vegetables might grow, but she didn't dig them. Visually, the wild vegetable fields were not big enough to be worth digging.

While driving the sports car, Luo Bi observed the surrounding environment. The spoons did not dare to run away at will. They followed the sports car and looked here and there, and were on alert at the slightest sign of trouble.

When they reached a gentle slope, Luo Bi planned to walk through the bushes and search nearby. If there were no ingredients, she would really go back this time.

She drove very slowly because the bushes blocked her view, so Luo Bi slowed down the car to the slowest speed and drove past a bush.

Then, oh shit, there were two strange beasts, one big and one small, not far away.

Luo Bi was startled. She saw the strange beast, and two strange beasts also saw her at the same time.

Second level alien beast? ? ?

Or two? ? !

Luo Bi was so scared that she didn't dare to move. She sat on the sports car and stared at the two second-level alien beasts. The difference in combat power between them was so great that she didn't dare to move, for fear that the alien beasts would suddenly attack.

She was afraid of strange animals, and they were also wary of them. Eight spoons stood in the air, and no one on either side dared to move them.

"Don't act rashly." Luo Bi was worried that the spoons might make moves, so she quickly reminded them. While speaking, she glared at the strange beasts: "Wait and see. If the enemy can't move, I won't move."

Then, continue to stare at the strange beast with big eyes and small eyes.

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