Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1873: Someone is here too. I can’t stand him if I can’t stand him.

Luo Bi stared at the two strange beasts opposite and couldn't figure out why there were strange beasts in the edge of the forest. And they come with second-level combat power, one big one, one small one, or two.

Visual inspection, the distance is so close! ! !

There are two camel beasts, one big and one small. The big one is about 1,500 kilograms and the small one is about 300 kilograms. The mother and son must have come here to look for food, but they were killed by Luo Bi and the spoons. Encountered.

From Luo Bi's position to the alien beast, there is a flat plain without even a rock. There are so many trees and there is no one between her and the alien beast. There is a tree on one side and another tree on the other side. Especially It means it is not right.

If they were farther away, she could still run with the spoons, but the visual distance was only about twenty meters.

No, not even twenty meters.

Luo Bi estimated it meter by meter, which was about ten meters. The distance was too close. Damn the bush. Such a big medium-sized alien beast. She didn't see it until she got closer, and she couldn't even run away.

Luo Bi glared at the two strange beasts and scolded them. They were not in the deep mountains and would not be encountered by the hunting team. Why did they come to her land where they were digging wild vegetables? ? ? ! !

Luo Bi was so frightened that her heart was pounding, but she still tensed her body and didn't dare to move. She didn't move, nor did the two camel beasts. They kept staring at her, and there was one who couldn't resist me. Do not move.

Luo Bi: "······"

Very good, she will definitely not move if the alien beast does not move. This is a second-level alien beast, and it can only be killed by a dozen hunting teams attacking together.

Just her?

forget it! It's better to just stay still.

As for the spoons?

Luo Bi didn't even need to ask, he definitely couldn't beat her. Since entering the galaxy war season, the Spoons often went into the mountains together to find supplies. They dealt with first-level beasts together, and they ran away when they saw the second-level ones. They knew their combat power. not equal.

How did Wu Shaoshao get injured?

During the big hunt in the three major galaxies, he was not injured only when he couldn't defeat the alien beasts. War Spoon, Flame Spoon, and Orange Spoon were all there at that time, so that battle didn't end in a disastrous defeat.

Luo Bi thought about it. If the alien beast attacks, it will let the spoons take action.

If the alien beasts glared at her, especially one, it would be better than putting herself in danger.

That’s it! Luo Bi panicked for a while and let out a long breath. It was impossible for the second-level alien beast not to attack all the time.

What to do then?

The more Luo Bi thought about it, the more she became afraid. As the temperature dropped, she felt chilled from the bottom of her heart. At this time, around 1:30 in the afternoon, snow began to fall in the starry sky. Luo Bi stared at the two strange beasts warily and carefully gathered her cloak. The little north wind was blowing and it was too cold.

Luo Bi didn't move much, but the alien beast didn't respond. It still stared stupidly. Luo Bi could still make some small moves, move her feet, etc. After all, her feet were cold from sitting in the sports car without moving, but those two didn't move at all.

What posture you were in from the beginning is what you are doing now.

Luo Bi: "..." This is nothing more than reaching a higher ground!

In fact, Luo Bi also thought about informing Fengling and asking Fengling to bring the combat team over. But now she didn't dare to provoke the strange beast to make any big move. She could just tap her feet gently, but she had better wait to dial the communication.

It would be bad if a communication failed to call Fengling, but caused the alien beast to attack.

Just wait and see, I won't move if the enemy doesn't move, and neither will the spoon. They can't defeat two second-level alien beasts.

Snowflakes fell on me, each one pitiful.

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