Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1879 You can’t spoil your children like this

Luo Bi didn't seem to worry, but in fact she had thought of everything.

Otherwise Luo Bi would have a headache. The human brain also needs to rest, but Luo Bi never let it rest at all. There is no need to think about it deliberately, Luo Bi is such a person, her mind is always spinning, and she is not idle even when she is asleep.

Fengling left on her mission early the next morning. From then on, Luo Bi lived in Feizhu Star. Guan Zhuting cooked food for her in different ways every day. One time, Luo Heng's mother met her and reminded Guan Zhuting not to be so spoiled. child.

Guan Zhuting smiled and didn't say anything. The family had this condition and no outsiders could care about it. Guan Zhuting learned this from Luo Bi. As long as the people you care about don't say anything, other people's thoughts are just floating clouds. After Guan Zhuting heard about it, she put it aside.

Luo Bi moved her things home. What happened to her preparing delicious food for the children? Guan Zhuting looked down upon people like Luo Heng's mother.

After staying in Jade Bamboo Star for several days, Luo Bi got tired of it and returned to Zhihuang Star with her things. Also following her back was snack foodie Zhu Xingbao. The child carried a backpack full of things this time, as if he planned to stay there forever.

This is better, Luo Bi likes the days when she has someone to keep her company.

Back at Zhihuangxing's home, Luo Bi started working on the planting field on the large balcony again. The first combat team came back several times, and each time Fengling took home about ten kilograms of exotic animal meat.

After staying at home for one night, the team went on another mission. Nutritional and energy food became increasingly scarce, and all the empires in the three major galaxies became nervous.

The combat power of Warcraft and Alien Beasts is becoming more and more powerful, and it is still improving. Teams with array arrays can still rely on them when going on missions, and the harvest is gratifying, but those without powerful equipment can forget about it.

In this situation, teams are often attacked by strange beasts, and the number of casualties is certainly not small.

As a result, array arrays, as well as elixirs and energy liquids became more and more popular. The status of the Talented Contractor was already very high, but at this time it was promoted to a new level, while the status of the Planter was slightly lower.

Luo Bi's house had plenty of exotic animal meat for the time being, so she wasn't in a hurry. She and Zhu Xingbao dug out the purple grape tree every day and cut the branches into sections to use as energy wood to burn. They dug two trees a day and accumulated a small pile on the hill. Firewood.

As for refining?

Luo Bi didn't have this idea at all, but her lack of idea didn't mean that others didn't have ideas. There are always some people who feel that their status is different and like to arrange for people who are inferior to themselves.

Entering June, Luo Bi and Zhu Xingbao were busy working that day. He Xiang and Wei Zi came to play with Luo Bi. They had just returned from a mission. Each of them took a pound of nutritious fruit and helped dig the purple grape tree when they entered the house.

"I'm just doing some fun at home. I'm not in a hurry to do the farm work." Luo Bi took the lead to stop doing it and asked a few people to wash their hands and go to the balcony to chat: "It's been a long time since we last met. Let's have dinner at my house at noon. Do you want to eat barbecue? Camel meat? If you make it yourself, I’m not good at cooking."

"Camel meat?" He Xiang was surprised, but the fruit that Luo Bi handed over was washed and distributed to everyone: "Do you still have such a good thing at home? Okay, I can eat it at your home and I will make it." , I learned my cooking skills from Li Feng."

"I have had camel meat in my house for a long time." Luo Bi said, as if it was true. "You and Wei Zi don't eat every time you come here. Of course you don't know that there is delicious food in my house. I won't let you eat the steak. I will give you the camel meat." Eat as much as you can.”

"Isn't this bad!" Wei Zi was a little embarrassed as he ate the fruit.

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