Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1880 They are all large exotic beasts

Luo Bi smiled and felt that there was nothing wrong with it, but there was indeed not much exotic animal meat at home. There were still forty kilograms of camel steaks, ten kilograms of exotic meat, and camel hooves and so on. I haven't eaten much yet.

Fengling usually buys a week's worth of fruits and vegetables, and she still has some at home. The vegetables can be used as side dishes for barbecue.

Opening the refrigerator and taking out a piece of camel meat, which weighed about five kilograms, Luo Bi took out a handful of green vegetables and a few fresh persimmons, and asked He Xiang, "Are these enough for us?"

He Xiang glanced at it: "The camel beast has a lot of meat. With Zhu Xingbao and us, there are only four of us, so we can't eat so much."

"Be careful, don't run out of food." Luo Bi was worried that He Xiang would save food for her family. Nowadays, there is a shortage of nutritious and energy food, and anyone who is sensible will not eat food from relatives and friends.

It was because of these considerations that Luo Bi took extra money. Treating people to a meal should not leave them hungry.

He Xiang ate the fruit and nodded: "Look, you put it there and I will cut off a piece later."

Wei Zi lost the fruit core and took a knife to cut the meat: "I'll cut off two kilograms. Three kilograms will be enough for us to eat."

Zhu Xingbao went to move the purple wood. His little short legs ran very fast. The child was greedy. Although he lived in Luo Bi's house these days, he had good food, but it was not as rich as today. Zhu Xingbao was very greedy just thinking about it.

If you want to cook delicious food, you have to take a long time. After deciding what to have for lunch, Luo Bi looked at the time on the terminal and saw that it was 10:30 in the morning. Now is the perfect time to start.

Women like light food, Zhu Xingbao lit some firewood, and He Xiang watered the camel meat.

Luo Bi pulled out a medium-sized grill, and Wei Zi picked and washed vegetables. Luo Bi set up the grill and went over to help skewer the vegetables. Wei Zi hesitated, so Luo Bi asked her about her mission.

"It's very dangerous. If we encounter more than one strange beast, we will run away." Wei Zi was still frightened and quickly skewered vegetables in his hand: "He Xiang, how are you doing now? Yesterday I saw that you were very scared."

He Xiang's expression changed. He took out the pot and put in the stewed camel meat. His expression was a bit bitter: "Fortunately, those strange beasts chased us for a long time yesterday, but they scared me to death."

Luo Bi imagined it for a moment: "How many strange beasts?"

Wei Zi opened his palms and said, "Five of them, and they are all large exotic beasts."

A combat team can deal with one alien beast, but two can be a bit reluctant. If there are more than three, there is no other way but to run away. Luo Bi sighed. She had nothing to ask next. Because she didn't follow, she couldn't understand by just asking.

It took time for the camel meat to be stewed, so Zhu Xingbao lit the fire, and He Xiang went to grill vegetable and fruit skewers with Luo Bi and Wei Zhi. Whoever grilled the meat would eat it, and Zhu Xingbao shared a few skewers with him.

"Luo Bi, have you ever thought about refining?" He Xiang thought about it and asked tentatively.

Luo Bi glanced at He Xiang: "I have a headache from refining and my mind is not clear."

He Xiang stopped talking, and Wei Zi turned the skewers over and stopped talking. Luo Bi felt something was wrong. She hadn't been refining for a day or two, and few people came to her to ask. He Xiang and Wei Zi were a little strange today.

"What's wrong?" Luo Bi asked.

"That's right, I told you not to be angry." He Xiang and Wei Xi looked at each other, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Your classmates Jiang Zhi and others said that you, as a gifted student, can't even refine and are a waste. "

Luo Bi: "..." Damn.

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