Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1891 It’s not an array weapon

Wen Xiao walked over and took out a small bamboo basket to play with: "What are you looking for? I'll help you find it."

Luo Bi knew what was going on as soon as she saw Wen Xiao's expression. She said directly: "Don't overthink it. These are not array weapons. Even the array weapons are not as attackable as you think."

So, go about your business! Robbie didn't need his help.

Wen Xiao was a little disappointed: "You really don't need help?"

"I'm looking for a bamboo sieve. Do you know what a bamboo sieve looks like?" Luo Bi was sure that Wen Xiao didn't know, so she didn't even think that Wen Xiao could help.

Wen Xiao: "..." He really doesn't know what a bamboo sieve looks like?

Wen Xiao was not in a hurry to go back to the kitchen area. Luo Bi searched for it, and he sorted and sorted the small wicker baskets and small bamboo baskets. Luo Bi couldn't find the bamboo sieve, so she put them all away, threw them out again, and searched for the bamboo sieve.

Jiang Yixin ran over to join in the fun: "Luo Bi, what are you looking for? Looking for an array device?"

"I was just looking for a bamboo sieve. It was not an array device. There was nothing to do with it. Then I suddenly remembered it and wanted to look for it. It had nothing to do with the array device." Luo Bi was speechless. He was so excited that he was looking forward to the array array: "I have already taken out the powerful array. Do you think I can hold it back for a whole winter?"

Jiang Yixin thought about it: "Yeah, what kind of bamboo sieve is it? I'll help you find it."

Luo Bi was so happy that someone was helping her, she gestured and said: "The bamboo sieve is similar to a small bamboo basket. The bamboo sieve is round at the bottom and has gaps. It is a bamboo sieve used for feeding cattle and sifting fodder."

"Oh." Jiang Yixin looked like she knew it. She dug through a pile of small wicker baskets and small bamboo baskets, picked up one and asked, "Luo Bi, do you think this is right? This is very similar to a small bamboo basket."

Luo Bi: "..." She didn't even want to talk to Jiang Yixin.

Wen Xiao couldn't stand it and snatched the small bamboo basket from Jiang Yixin's hand and put it aside: "This is just a small bamboo basket."

Jiang Yixin snorted: "I didn't see it, they look similar."

There were none in this pile. Luo Bi put Wen Xiao away and threw them out again. Roger came over in the middle. He also thought there was an array device, but when he heard it wasn't, he walked away.

When Luo Bi found the bamboo sieve, Li Feng and Hua Ran also made the ingredients. Luo Bi hurriedly put away the small bamboo baskets that Wen Xiao had sorted half of, and placed the bamboo sieve separately for easy use. try to find.

Luo Bi then remembered to ask Qin Cui to come and have dinner with her. There was only Qin Cui among so many people. Li Feng smiled bitterly: "Qin Cui went to Feng Zixun's house for a party. We are eating our food, but Qin Cui may not want to come."

The gathering organized by Feng Zixun is basically focused on gifted disciples. Those who are qualified to participate are all with some ability. Qin Cui will not give up this opportunity for communication, and Li Feng cannot stop it.

It's not uncommon for people to come to eat. Well, Luo Bi was a little embarrassed.

Li Feng didn't care anymore. He washed his hands and sat down to eat with everyone. Qin Yilang poured a glass of wine for Li Feng: "The Feng family is the most scheming. The gifted disciples go to the party for profit. Don't think too much about it."

Qin Cui and Li Feng were married. If Qin Cui had any idea, he would have to get through him.

Qin Yilang is the new generation leader of the Qin family. Whether Qin Cui wants to compare with him or expand his network, if it is detrimental to the marriage, Qin Yilang will never allow it.

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