Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1892 Supporting the Show

Fengling didn't want Luo Bi to hear this. What should she do if she learns bad things? Luo Bi has given up on her talent now. Fengling doesn't want her to be provoked to change her mind by a few words. Fengling calmly picked a roasted partridge. Give the rooster to Luo Bi.

While Luo Bi was eating, she stopped wondering about Qin Cui's thoughts.

After dinner, Qin Yilang and Wen Yao drank a cup of tea, got up and left.

While Fengling packed her things, Luo Bi played with the bamboo sieve. When she returned to Zhihuangxing's home, Luo Bi asked Fengling to cut a handful of high-grade natural jadeite stones for her. They had various attributes, and each one was very dazzling.

Needless to say, it's quite fun. The more Luo Bi looks at these small natural high-grade jade stones, the more beautiful they look.

Fengling shook her head, he could see that Luo Bi had a child's mind. If you give her a large piece of natural jadeite, she may not be interested in it, but if you give her a small one, she will be happy with it.

It rained heavily at night, and the temperature was low the next day. The thin rain fell, but it did not hinder the team's travel.

The teams that went on the mission this time included the First Combat Team and Wen Yao's hunting team. Roger's body had not recovered yet, but as a colonel, he had no time to recuperate and went on the mission with the team.

The two teams combined have about 150 people. The first team's talented people are Qin Cui and Huang Xinling, and the talented people on Wen Yao's side are Wen Fei and a young girl. Luo Bi didn't know him.

Secondly, there were some family members of the Thunder Flame warriors, and Luo Bi didn't even know them.

In fact, Qin Yilang sent out invitations to several gifted masters for this mission, but they were not invited, so he had to let Qin Cui take over. Qin Cui couldn't stand the joke of his first cousin.

Huang Xinling was in a special situation. She had an old man named Xuan Shu in her family, and there was no shortage of nutritious food at home. She joined the army purely for training and to support the first combat team.

For this reason, everyone takes good care of the little girl.

On the spaceship, Luo Bi liked to talk, so she talked endlessly with Huang Xinling. Qin Cui also came over. Jiang Yixin didn't know what he was thinking. He also joined in the fun when several women were talking, which Li Feng disliked.

Twenty minutes later, the two spacecraft arrived at Blazing Star.

The spacecraft landed on a rock platform north of Qinchun Mountain. There were several rocky hills suitable for parking ships. At this time, every rock platform was full of spaceships, which showed how many teams were on the mission.

In the blazing star of winter, everything revives, and everything is full of vitality. At a glance, you can see the delicate green. After being washed by the rain, the whole planet has a fresh atmosphere.

Of course, there are also small puddles and buzzing little insects.

Wen Fei sprayed a lot of herbal scented lotion on her body. The scent was very strong and could prevent insects. The price was also quite expensive. Unless the family was particularly well-off, few could afford it.

Luo Bi was not used to smelling it, but Huang Xinling also sprayed it on herself.

That's it. Luo Bi hurriedly moved away. Qin Cui didn't mind it and asked Huang Xinling to spray it on her a few times: "It's orchid scent, very fresh. Luo Bi, you can't smell it? It smells so good. .”

While going, Luo Bi got into the sports car to hide from the two of them. She didn't feel the smell was good at all. The fragrance was too strong and lost the essence of the orchid.

The Lei Yan warriors had no time to pay attention to this. Qin Yilang and Wen Yao led the team down to the Rock Mountain and headed south towards the Qinxiang Mountain as planned.

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