Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1897 You can’t even buy it with interstellar coins

Luo Bi shook the small branch hard, got into the sports car and changed places.

Half an hour later, Luo Bi met someone from the Hang family's hunting team. Hang Zixin said hello to her. Luo Bi was not familiar with them. She saw that they dug up a lot of spiritual plants and went to the side after a while. of mountains and forests.

If there were any wild vegetables, she would get out of the sports car and dig them up. She hesitated before asking for the wild fruits. These small wild fruits were sour, astringent and unpalatable. They also had low nutritional content and could not be sold for a few interstellar coins.

She is not interested in others scraping the land. Just moving it is a problem. One trip is not troublesome enough.

Damn it, half an hour later, Luo Bi cursed, and good things were taken away wherever the crowd went. She worked hard all day and only dug two small baskets of wild vegetables. After pressing hard, it was only one basket.

No, she can't come in vain.

Luo Bi glanced around and kicked her foot to break a small branch, but she shook her ankle and it hurt when she exerted force. This is really too weak. I broke a small branch and my feet were dangling. Fortunately, it was not a big problem and it did not hinder my walking without exerting any force.

It is said that people should not be lazy and should exercise regularly. Luo Bi has been playing all winter and now she can see it when she works.

Being weak and without strength, Luo Bi was so angry that she took a machete and chopped down the small branches. She searched carefully from tree to tree, and finally she saw a tree hole with a native pig.

Luo Bi was a little excited, but also a little nervous. She was worried that there were no native pigs in the tree hole she was promising. In the galaxy war season, native pigs are a good thing. You can’t even buy them with interstellar coins, and precious supplements like ginseng grass and mountain ganoderma cannot compare with them.

Luo Bi knew too well the nutritional value of native pigs, so she was a little unsure about what to eat. She grabbed a small branch and poked it into the tree hole, and felt it. Oh, there were native pigs, but she didn't know how many there were.

Luo Bi was overjoyed when she found a tree hole with a native pig. She identified the location and then searched nearby. Twenty minutes later, Luo Bi found another tree hole with a native pig. She poked it with a small branch and after a while, she was sure that there was a native pig.

Two litters.

Luo Bi felt that it was almost done, so she got into the sports car excitedly and went back to find Roger.

Roger and his men were chopping energy wood, and the Lan family members were also there. They were all acquaintances, and they chatted from time to time while working. Lu Xiao led the team to patrol around and helped the women carry baskets of supplies back.

Luo Bi went over, observed the Lan family members calmly, and then called Roger: "Colonel Luo! Come here."

Roger was very busy, but he still put down what he was doing and walked over. Robbie called him aside and whispered: "I found the native pig."

Roger was startled for a moment, then surprise flashed in his eyes: "Russian pig? Where is it?"

"On the other side of the hill in front." Luo Bi was happy in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face. She was worried about being discovered, so she whispered: "Don't you just grab the good things when you see them? I'm worried about catching a native pig and being robbed. I didn’t dare to catch him.”

"Hurry up and take me to catch it." Roger became anxious upon hearing this and urged Luo Bi to lead the way. He was worried that the empty soil pig that Luo Bi came back to call for had escaped, and he was also worried that others would find out that he had captured the soil pig. .

Women who go on missions are not good people.

Luo Bi knew what Roger was worried about, so she said: "Don't worry, no one can catch him, and the native pig won't run away. He's dragging his family with him."

Are you still taking care of your family? Roger believed her evil deeds, and he was satisfied if he could catch a native pig.

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