Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1898 Everyone is fine

How rare are native pigs!

Not to mention others, Roger was eager to find a native pig. As long as the other party offered a starting price, he would definitely buy it without saying a word. After entering the galaxy war season, native pigs, pheasants, red claw crabs, and river clams are all expensive and cannot be purchased with interstellar coins.

Therefore, Roger has the power and the Starcoin, but unfortunately he cannot buy the native pig.

Unconvinced, Luo Bi had no time to talk nonsense with Roger and drove the sports car all the way. The terrain in the mountains and forests was uneven, with potholes and rotten branches and leaves. The sports car turned around at a leisurely speed.

It wasn't that Luo Bi was unhappy, but that she didn't want to attract other people's attention.

If she and Roger were in a hurry, others would doubt whether they had found something good. Don't question other people's IQ, no one is stupid, especially when it comes to materials, everyone is smart.

Roger followed with suspicion all the way. Luo Bi said that he had found the native pig Thaksin, but what if after this period of time, the native pig was still waiting there and would not leave? Roger didn't believe it. The native pig was not that stupid.

Although he thought so in his heart, Roger had no intention of going back.

Someone in the forest looked over, but the two of them didn't even look at each other calmly, and continued to move forward as if no one was around.

The more guilty they are, the more suspicious they are, because the two of them are too calm, and others are not sure.

"What are they doing?" a member of the Zhan family's hunting team asked their companions.

"I don't know." The companion shook his head and called her impatiently before leaving: "What do they care about them? Let's go. Someone ran over there just now. Let's go and see if there is anything good."

Several women left together.

Ten minutes later, Luo Bi took Roger to the hill where he found the native pig.

The members of the Hang family's hunting team had not left yet. Luo Bi saw Hang Zixin from a distance and gave Roger a look. Roger immediately understood and the two walked diagonally into the forest in the hill area.

Luo Bi looked around and guessed that the people in the Hang family's hunting team wouldn't notice this, so she gave Roger a pocket.

"What are you doing?" Roger took the bag and asked hurriedly: "Where did you find the native pig? Why didn't I see it? He couldn't have run away after such a long time!"

Luo Bi was not in a hurry: "Speak softly, don't be heard by the people in the Hang family's hunting team."

Roger shut up, as long as there are native pigs, Robbie can say whatever she wants.

Luo Bi observed the surrounding environment based on her memory, and finally found the big tree where the first nest of native pigs was found. They were only ten meters away from the big tree, and the people from the Hang family's hunting team on the other side were also not far away from them. Not far.

So, if you don’t want to be robbed, be careful.

At this time, the rain was a little lighter, and it was pattering. Luo Bi got out of the sports car and motioned for Roger to follow: "Did you see that green tree? There is a tree hole on it, and the native pig is in the tree hole."

Tree hole? Roger took a closer look and saw that there was indeed a green tree not far away.

This tree has lush branches and leaves, a thick trunk, and a small tree hole one meter above the ground. Roger stared at the tree hole and narrowed his eyes. Robbie walked over with a gentle step and picked up the twigs she had dropped before from under the green tree.

"You hold the mouth of the bag while I poke the pig with a small branch. Be careful and don't let the pig squeal." Luo Bi told Roger. The pig couldn't hold it back when it howled. She didn't want people to know what was inside the tree hole. There are native pigs.

Roger: "······"

Are there native pigs in the tree hole? It was so new, Roger didn't believe it at all.

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