Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1903 It’s better than nothing

Luo Bi didn't stop Roger from discussing with Wen Xiao, so why did she stop him? Now that she had let Roger know that the native pig might be nesting in a tree hole, she didn't want to stop him. Maybe someone could catch the native pig.

She didn't hide anything, and that was enough.

As long as you find the right tree hole, you can basically catch the native pigs, but you are afraid that you cannot find the tree hole where the native pigs live.

Luo Bi planned to wait and see. She told Roger that the native pig was in the tree hole. She couldn't even catch the native pig? What can she do? !

Nowadays, the Galaxy Season Combat Team has a difficult mission. She has provided a skill. Whether it can be used depends on the ability of the sergeants. Besides, there was only this much she could do. If it wasn't for the conditions and the Leiyan warriors couldn't go on missions without them, she wouldn't have said that the native pigs lived in tree holes.

She would definitely not be able to catch the native pigs by herself from the first combat team. In this case, she told them the method openly. From now on, they will each look for their own. If they find one, they are lucky. If they can't find a strange pig, they won't be a pig. Who can Don't let it escape on its own.

Roger and Wen Xiao had a discussion here. Seeing that the time was not yet three o'clock in the afternoon, they asked Jiang Yixin and Luo Bi to keep an eye on the native pigs on the spaceship, and the two led a small team to leave.

After descending the rocky mountain, Roger ordered to look for tree holes, and when he found them, he would poke them with small branches.

As for how to poke?

Think about it for yourself, Roger doesn't know, and neither does Wen Xiao.

My subordinates don’t know what’s going on! The sergeants each broke off a small branch, looking confused. It is not difficult to find a tree hole in the forest. No matter why, I found the tree hole and poked again and again, and the small branches were broken. I was surprised not to find a native pig.

The sergeants couldn't help suppressing their laughter and muttering to each other.

"What are you irritating Colonel Luo and Major Wen? Although nutritious food is in short supply now, the military department is not at the end of its rope. Why is it in such a hurry? What can be found in the tree hole?" The tall man is better at gossiping than women. explain.

"It's said there is a native pig."

"Bah, there are also native pigs? You can really talk nonsense."

"I didn't say it, the colonel said it."

The sergeants were muttering while wandering in the mountains and forests. Not to mention, they actually found the native pig after being tortured like this. There were not many, so it took a team two hours to catch five native pigs.

Roger was very excited, and the morale of the sergeants was also high. They all rolled up their sleeves and got ready to fight. Grandma never knew before that native pigs could live in tree holes.

What do you think?

The sergeants were excited and began to draw territory. A group of people entered the woods and hurriedly looked for tree holes to catch native pigs.

Who is using twigs now? It's not easy to pull it out even if it's soft. It's easier to just reach out and catch it. The sergeants can catch a native pig every once in a while as if they've been injected with chicken blood.

Roger suspected that there were stray pigs in the tree holes, but the sergeant searched the tree holes every time and found no nests.

In fact, the best way is to dig down the tree and see if there are any native pigs in the tree hole.

But in this way, the fact that there are native pigs in the tree holes can no longer be concealed. Roger dares to say that within a day, the entire galaxy will know where there are native pigs. The gain outweighed the loss, so Roger gave up after thinking about it. Catching one was better than nothing.

Wen Xiao dialed the communication and told Fengling about the situation on the battlefield. Fengling hung up the communication and signaled to Qin Yilang and Wen Yao who were fighting. Qin Yilang and Wen Yao looked at each other, and Qin Yilang jumped out of the battle first.

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