Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1904 Fair enough

Wen Yao will talk later.

They had to withdraw one by one. The battle on the battlefield was already fierce. Fengling connected to Xun, and Qin Yilang and Wen Yao jumped out of the battle together. Then this side would not be able to withstand it. The Flame Duck Beast was not given in vain.

"What's wrong?" Qin Yilang asked.

Fengling approached Qin Yilang and told him about catching native pigs. Qin Yilang was overjoyed and looked at the situation on the battlefield and hesitated: "How about we catch native pigs too? We only killed ten flaming duck beasts in the whole day. After more than a dozen teams were divided, an average of less than one team was divided, and it would get dark soon.”

In the late winter and early spring, the day and night are almost the same. Now at five o'clock in the afternoon, within half an hour, the sky will be completely dark. The blazing stars at that time will be very dangerous and not conducive to fighting.

It's absolutely impossible to kill a Flame Duck Beast in half an hour, and it's hard to lead a team to catch a native pig. Unless you find it along the way, you won't have time to catch a native pig. When weighing the two sides, Qin Yilang still preferred to catch native pigs. He walked back while looking for native pigs. The risk factor was very low, and it was better than killing exotic animals.

Feng Ling frowned, shook his head and said, "The battle will be over soon. It would be too sudden for us to leave suddenly, so we'd better go back and talk about it later."

When Qin Yilang heard this, he immediately calmed down, nodded and joined the battle with his sword in a good mood. Wen Yao was replaced. When Wen Yao heard that he could catch native pigs, he felt very complicated. If he had known this, he would not have used Wen Fei's array. He would use half of the supplies at one time. How greedy.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, a group of logistics teams returned to the spaceship parking area one after another. The hunting team received the news, said hello to each other, put away the prey and fought back, and retreated to the spacecraft parking area before dark.

The Flame Duck Beast chased him down the mountain, looked up at the top of the mountain, and left shortly after.

On the empty rocky mountain platform, more than a dozen hunting teams began to divide the prey. This time, led by Zhan Zai, one hunting team was given half of an alien beast, and those with array arrays were given an extra half.

Don't be dissatisfied. If you have the ability, come up with a disk array device. If you don't have one, just stop talking nonsense.

Overall, uh, fair.

"Damn it, I only got one exotic beast after a whole day's work." Lan Rui cursed. There were at least fifty people in a team, and each person had a pound of exotic beast meat for one meal. It was very uneconomical.

How much does a flaming duck weigh? !

Tang Wen was also in a bad mood. His team only had half of the Flame Duck beasts, slightly more than half. He asked Lan Rui: "Your team has been here for several days! Are you going back today?"

Lan Rui looked irritated and signaled his men to pack their things: "Go back, my team members are a little exhausted from the continuous battle. Go back and rest for two days, and we will see the situation. Otherwise, we will go on a mission on another planet."

"I'll go back too." Tang Wen said.

Hang Yifan and Tang Wen were young. When they heard it, they said, "I just came today. Your team will stay for another day so that everyone can take care of me."

After Fa Xiaodu said this, Tang Wen said, "Okay, I'll stay one more day and go back tomorrow afternoon."

Compared with other teams, Qin Yilang, Fengling, and Wen Yao were in a good mood. They didn't even bother to count the logistics supplies after the prey was divided. Wen Yao got on the spacecraft first, and Roger pointed with a smile while holding a cup of hot tea. Pointing to the small supply warehouse on the spaceship.

Wen Yao raised his feet and looked around. There were several baskets of native pigs placed in the warehouse, grunting and looking for food in the hay.

Very good, Wen Yao doesn't plan to use Wen Fei's formation disk.

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