Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1905 Ending the mission

Qin Yilang and Fengling also took a look, followed by Li Feng and Lu Xiao. They fought for a whole day to separate half of the flaming duck beasts. The ones who caught the native pigs were better, and they caught more than forty in one afternoon.

Lu Xiao laughed, feeling inexplicably unhappy. Their team's supplies were only half as expensive.

Luo Bi also thought of this. She didn't want to get involved with Wen Fei. She took advantage of the senior officers to pull the three bamboo baskets to her side: "These three baskets of native pigs were caught by Colonel Luo, Wen Xiao, and Jiang Yixin. Counting the five newly born pigs, there are a total of nineteen native pigs. Should we divide them now or go back and divide them?"

Qin Yilang heard what Luo Bi meant. He didn't want to divide the native pigs, so he thought about it and said, "Otherwise, let's finish the mission and return to Zhihuang Star first, and discuss how to divide it."

Roger was thoughtful and Fengling smiled: "Okay, let's go back."

Wen Yao also meant the same thing. It would be inconvenient for Wen Fei to follow him on this mission. If you don't go back first and arrange another task, nothing else, the fact that there is a native pig in the tree hole will not be known to the rest of the world.

Wen Yao learned a lesson from Wen Fei's greed.

The decision was made with a few words here. Wen Yao and Qin Yilang were not in a hurry to count the supplies now. Lieutenant General Mi Yue would naturally figure it out when they returned to Zhihuang Star, so Qin Yilang didn't need to worry about it at all.

The logistics team outside was still waiting to count the supplies. Suddenly they heard that the mission was over and they were going back, and they were all confused.

Wen Fei couldn't figure it out, so she asked Wen Yao: "Brother, we have only been here for a day and have gained basically nothing. Why did we end the mission? This time it is all interstellar coins. I don't agree to go back."

Wen Yao arranged for the guards to move the supplies. Hearing this, he glanced at Wen Fei and said, "Your share will not be lost to you. You can form another team after you return and it will not delay your profits."

"Is this a matter of profit?" Wen Fei felt that Wen Yao's decision was inappropriate, so she endured it again and said: "I am a member of the Wen family and only then did I give the formation disk to the family. What I care about is not personal gain."

What he said was better than what he sang. Wen Yao smiled: "Ending the mission is not my decision alone. Captain Qin also agreed. Okay, let's get ready for our departure."

Wen Fei didn't want to leave. She couldn't gain much in just one day, but she fought for it. Qin Yilang was busy making arrangements to leave. Roger and her played Tai Chi. In a few words, the two teams had finished moving the supplies.

The Lan family's hunting team was also preparing to leave. Fengling went over and glanced at the Lan family's supplies. Lan Rui understood and said proudly: "My team's harvest this time is not bad. We can rest for two more days to go on the mission. Do you want some rare ingredients?" My team got a few.”

Fengling came for this and asked with a smile: "What kind of rare ingredients?"

Lan Rui came closer to Fengling and whispered: "One winged rabbit, two kilograms of river melon seeds. The river melon seeds were caught from Qingyao Star. They have been raised in spring water for only two days. They are very fresh and clean."

Lan Rui looked at Fengling's face and couldn't tell anything: "If you want one hundred kilograms of exotic animal meat jerky from Winged Rabbit and one kilogram of river melon seeds, it will be counted as one hundred kilograms of exotic animal meat jerky. If you want two kilograms, Just give me one hundred and eighty pounds of dried meat from exotic animals."

Fengling's expression remained unchanged: "Settlement with interstellar coins."

Lan Rui made a sound and lost interest: "How to settle the interstellar coins? If you ask for more, you will say that I am not a brother enough. Even if the Lan family hunting team is missing, the work cannot be in vain. If it doesn't work, I will keep it for myself."

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