Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1907 The Harvest of the Combat Team

At this point, Lieutenant General Mi Yue still looked like he was at a disadvantage: "The best part of a duck beast is the duck legs. They are all meat. Unlike the duck rack, the whole piece is made of bones, so you can't eat the meat." .”

The subtext is that you have taken advantage of it.

There was a burst of flying flowers and clouds in front of Wen Fei's eyes, and she almost passed away. She couldn't argue with Lieutenant General Mi Yue, so she went to Wen Yao to reason.

Wen Yao was laughing in his heart, but he was serious on his face: "We are working as a team to go on a mission. Lieutenant General Mi is responsible for counting and distributing the supplies. How do you want me to take care of it? That's pretty much it."

What do you mean it’s almost enough? ! !

Wen Fei was so angry that she fell down. She wanted to return the formation plate to me, but due to her fear of Wen Yao, Wen Fei never said it out loud. The status of a gifted contract master is indeed noble, but without the protection of the family, he cannot go far at all. Wen Fei does not dare to break up with Wen Yao yet.

Fengling, Qin Yilang, and Luo Jie had military affairs to deal with, so they hurried away as soon as they got off the spaceship. Luo Bi liked to watch the fun, and she couldn't help but laugh in her heart when she watched it from beginning to end.

What time is it now?

At the beginning of the galaxy war season, the combat power of the Warcraft and Alien Beasts is upgraded, and the Thunder Flame Warriors adjust their combat power levels. If you are not careful, the Thunder Flame warrior may die during the mission. Half of the supplies are divided into one formation plate, and the mouth is too wide.

When Lieutenant General Mi Yue saw several baskets of native pigs, his smiling eyes widened a little, his eyes flashed, and the calculations in his heart began to make calculations again.

Luo Bi kicked the three bamboo baskets with her feet, and the five little piglets came to the mother piglet, groaning. Luo Bi said: "These nineteen native pigs, big and small, are Colonel Roger, Wen Xiao and I." , Jiang Yixin caught together."

Luo Bi reminded him, don't get confused, the other twenty-four are the harvest of the combat team.

In fact, these nineteen native pigs were the same, but Luo Bi wanted to distinguish them from the bottom of her heart. As long as Qin Yilang didn't take it seriously, she could share it equally with Luo Jie, Wen Xiao, and Jiang Yixin.

No, Luo Bi didn't want to divide them equally. She wanted five big ones and a litter of small ones.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue is shrewd when he should be shrewd and confused when he should be confused. At this moment, he said very wisely: "How many native pigs do you want? You can't give a few points to the military department, right? !”

Luo Bi was a little embarrassed that Iron Rooster was so easy to talk to, but considering that her family also needed nutritious and energy-rich food, she said, "Can you give me five big ones, plus the small ones in the litter?"

There were nineteen in total, so there were eight left. Lieutenant General Mi Yue nodded and said, "Five big ones plus a litter of small ones, right?! OK, no problem."

Luo Bi was a little surprised. This was different from the calculation of Wen Fei just now. She was surprised when Lieutenant General Mi Yue held up the small optical brain and called her aside to chat.

What are you talking about? Lieutenant General Mi Yue didn't hide it and told the current injured captains of several combat teams.

"The Lei Yan warrior is injured and needs to replenish pure nutritional energy. Whatever is good for him, he can recover faster this way." Lieutenant General Mi Yue was worried that Luo Bi would not understand, so he gave an example: "Look at Colonel Luo, from How long has it been since I was injured? It’s always been like that. It’s because I didn’t eat enough nutritious and energy-rich food.”

Luo Bi heard it: "What do you mean, Lieutenant General?"

Lieutenant General Mi Yue coughed a few times: "There are too many people injured this time, and there are not enough local pigs. Can you spare one or two? I can apply for another admiral-level sports car for you."

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