Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1908 There may be a surprise

You were so polite. Luo Bi didn't answer immediately. Lieutenant General Mi Yue was able to discuss it with her, which was enough to give her face.

If she was dealt with by Lieutenant General Mi Yue like he did with Wen Fei, not even a single piglet would belong to her.

Of course, if Lieutenant General Mi Yue really did this, Fengling would definitely not be able to pass the test.

Luo Bi sighed. After thinking about it for a moment, she knew that the military was in urgent need of advanced nutritional energy ingredients. Lieutenant General Mi Yue did not exaggerate or make up anything. Just look at Roger and you will know the consequences of insufficient energy replenishment.

From the perspective of the interests of the legion, Lieutenant General Mi Yue's request was not too much. Trying to win one more native pig would not end up in his stomach. The Lieutenant General was also doing his job. He was thinking of the injured Leiyan warriors, not for his own personal gain.

That's it. Luo Bi couldn't bear to part with it. She hesitated and said, "Let's do this. I'll give you one."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue heard this and said, "One is fine. Give that one to Colonel Luo and I will take the others."

Luo Bi: "······"

What is wild goose plucking?

For Lieutenant General Mi Yue, if she gave one to Roger, the rest would have nothing to do with Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin. Lieutenant General Mi Yue's intention was very obvious. Stand aside without any injuries. Lieutenant General Mi Yue made the decision without even asking.

Luo Bi originally thought that Lieutenant General Mi Yue was deceiving her and tricking her native pigs, but now she no longer had such thoughts. She was much stronger than Wen Xiao and Jiang Yixin. She had won at least ten native pigs. Wen Xiao, Jiang Yixin doesn’t have one.

Luo Bi is a real person! After thinking about it, he felt that Lieutenant General Mi Yue was very kind. He ran to the bamboo basket, picked out the smallest piglet and gave it to Lieutenant General Mi Yue: "This one is for you."

"How can I raise such a small piglet?" Lieutenant General Mi Yue held the little native piglet in his hands, which was messy in the wind. Fengling, this wife is really interesting. She will give people things when she is happy. What do you think is not good? Give him a piglet. An unweaned piglet born.

Even if he is a money addict, he can't make a living!

Luo Bi had already thought about it for Lieutenant General Mi Yue and gave him advice: "If you give Xun a spoon, he will definitely be happy to raise it for you."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue: "·······"

Let Xun Spoon help raise unweaned piglets? Where is this? Lieutenant General Mi Yue heard that he was not trustworthy. He handed over the soft little piglet and said he didn't want anything.

Luo Bi was surprised and refused to accept it at all: "I gave it to you, why don't you want it?"

"Ouch!" Lieutenant General Mi Yue broke out in sweat, holding the little native piglet in his arms and said: "I can't feed it, it's too small. Besides, the mother native pig is at your place. I'll feed the little native piglet when it's hungry. What is it? You should keep it yourself! No need to give it to me."

She talked for a long time in vain, but Luo Bi still didn't answer: "Didn't I tell you to ask Xun Lao Spoon to help you raise it? It can survive."

When she mentioned this, Lieutenant General Mi believed her: "Who told you that you can live with a spoon? The farmland has been growing all winter, and you still asked me to treat such a rare little pig. The cub is being raised by a spoon? Isn’t this a joke?”

This is no joke, Luo Bi said, as if it was true, "Have you seen what they planted?"

Lieutenant General Mi Yue shook his head: "I haven't seen it before. I won't let you see the spoon."

Luo Bi hesitated for a moment and gave Lieutenant General Mi Yue a warning: "Go and have a look when you have time! There may be surprises."

Lieutenant General Mi Yue's eyes flashed, and then he was thoughtful. Luo Bi ignored it and asked Jiang Yixin to count out the native pigs. When he counted enough, Lieutenant General Mi took a look.

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