Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1909 She doesn’t need to be generous

It was already very late at this time, around eight o'clock in the evening, but no one on the mission had left yet.

After the inventory of supplies has been completed, no one will leave until the day's harvest has been given.

The dazzling lights were turned on, and the entire supply warehouse was as bright as day. Jiang Yixin moved the bamboo basket under the spaceship. Luo Bi thought for a while, she didn't want the litter of little piglets anymore, and threw it to Lieutenant General Mi Yue.

Jiang Yixin looked at it eagerly and asked in a low voice: "Why don't you want it again?"

Don't give it to him! If he hadn't said it earlier, all this would have been left to Fatty Mi. Jiang Yixin had no chance of getting back a litter of little native pigs from the Iron Rooster. Jiang Yixin felt weak carrying the bamboo basket. There were several small native pigs in the litter, so she didn’t want them no matter what.

"I find it troublesome and difficult to raise." No matter how much she thought about it, Luo Bi felt that it was not cost-effective to raise a litter of small native pigs. She wanted the pigs, but she couldn't do it after careful calculation. She might often go on missions with her in the future. Who has time to feed them? pig?

Besides, don’t pigs eat? No matter how small the native pig is, it still eats, and what it eats is still wild fruits and the like. These need to be collected during missions. If they are too small, they will not be enough to eat, and if they are too much, they will waste time.

It takes at least five months for a litter of piglets to be ready for eating. Luo Bi lost interest as soon as she calculated it. It took too long.

Luo Bi talked to Jiang Yixin in the open space next to the material warehouse. Jiang Yixin frowned. It was quite troublesome to raise a litter of small native pigs, but he still felt a pity. In addition, there were six native pigs in addition to the female native pig. Just throw them to Lieutenant General Mi.

Lieutenant General Mi did not let Luo Bi suffer, and asked the sergeant to chop ten pounds of exotic animal meat from the middle part of the duck's wings. Jiang Yixin helped put it into a cardboard box, put a bamboo basket of native pigs on a military suspension vehicle, and sent Luo Bi back. Home.

Qin Cui and Huang Xinling did not leave, but crowded in the crowd to buy what they liked. The same was true for Wen Fei, and the family members of the garrison who came after them. If they needed it, they would take the opportunity to buy it.

Jiang Yixin sent Luo Bi home, went to the balcony and asked, "Where do you put the native pig?"

Luo Bi put a large piece of chicken wings on the kitchen cutting board and ran back: "Move to the planting field!"

Luo Bi used to raise partridges in the planting field. Jiang Yixin walked away. Luo Bi followed to the planting field and pointed to a location. Jiang Yixin settled the native pigs and grabbed a handful of picked wild fruits from the bag. To the native pig.

After getting off the planting field, Jiang Yixin left.

Luo Bi didn't leave anyone to eat, and there weren't many nutritional and energy ingredients at home, so there was no need for her to be generous. Returning to the balcony, she washed her hands and cut a piece of meat from the wing, about a pound, and picked it up from the large piece of wing.

I carried a meal of energy wood from the hill and soaked my wings in the cold water.

After marinating for a while, Luo Bi put the braised wings in various seasonings for an hour, and then put them on the grill to grill. She had just learned this cooking skill from Li Feng. She took a look at Li Feng's cooking, and that was roughly it.

It was already very late when Fengling came back. Because the Thunder Flame warriors were on a mission, they didn't have much rest at this time. When she walked in and smelled the aroma of food, Fengling felt warm. She put down her military jacket and walked up to the large balcony.

"Why are you back so late?" Luo Bi brought the ingredients to the dining table and asked casually. Fengling could pick up what she could talk about and leave out what she couldn't. Luo Bi just asked casually.

Fengling washed her hands and helped set the dishes and chopsticks: "There was a military meeting."

Well, Luo Bi stopped asking about the sergeant meeting. She only cared about what she cared about: "Are you going on a mission tomorrow?"

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