Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1918 is awesome

Luo Bi was also on Feizhu Star. Some of the crops she planted before were ripe. Although the rice, millet, and purple corn ripened a little late, they were ready for harvest. She came over with her parents and her brother Hua Ran. The crops are harvested.

The winter wheat is not ripe yet, so don't worry about it yet.

Soybeans and peanuts are a bit raw, so considering that the residents have evacuated, we simply harvested them together.

The raw ones can be cooked and eaten. Boiled pods and boiled peanuts are actually very delicious. The reason why Luo Bi chose to grow soybeans and peanuts was because she thought she could eat boiled pods and peanuts.

It's fine now, you can eat whatever you want.

There are also green radish, mustard radish, and Chinese cabbage. Even if they don't grow well, they are still vegetables. When the season comes, Luo Bi plans to dig them up.

Luo Bi also grows a lot of other vegetables. Before everyone evacuates, pick some of each. You can save some interstellar coins by eating home-grown vegetables.

Harvesting rice, millet, and purple corn is not an easy job. Luo Hang, his wife, and Hua Ran do it all. Luo Bi is not the one who does the work, and is assigned to harvest green radish, mustard radish, and Chinese cabbage.

She could choose three things and do whatever she wanted. Luo Bi took a walk and dug green radishes first.

As soon as she dug up a small piece of green radish, Wu Cheng called her via SMS and asked her how the spoons were doing and what Luo Bi could do. She picked up the radish seedling and pulled out a green radish.

With a little force from Yan Lao Lao's little hand, he also pulled down another one, picked up the radish seedlings and put them neatly into the bamboo basket.

His aunt said that the radish seedlings can also be eaten. The spoon is smooth and the work must be careful.

The more Luo Bi praised the spoon, the more capable it became, and she waited for the spoon to praise it.

Flame Spoon didn't even know it before, but it was really fun to dig up green radish. He grabbed the radish seedling and pulled it up, and a green radish fell out without even using a hoe. He was so smart.

"What about Wu Spoon, Orange Spoon and the others? Let them go, Wu Spoon and the others have a way." Luo Bi gave her idea, and she didn't care if it worked or not.

Wu Cheng hung up the communication and told Tang Shao and He Yun.

When Wen Yao heard this, he immediately called Zhan Di.

Wu Shao, Yan Shao, and Orange Shao are all currently on the Jade Bamboo Planet, and only Zhan Shao is on the Zhihuang Star with Zhan Di. It would take twenty minutes to get there immediately from Zhihuang Star to Feizhu Star, not to mention that Zhan Di couldn't fly over at once.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wu Cheng ran home and called Orange Spoon.

Orange Spoon's small planting field also has a lot of things, and it's very miscellaneous, with everything. It is also a money-loving spoon. It is worried about missing leaves or something, so the transplanting speed is not fast.

Wu Cheng yelled at Orange Spoon anxiously. How could Orange Spoon be so obedient? Wu Shao had a way. After being promised a favor, he threw away the little hoe and followed Wu Cheng to the planting field outside the safe zone.

Luo Bi counted the time and took Flame Spoon to the planting field, followed closely by Zhan Di and Zhan Spoon.

Regardless of how quickly the five spoons, flame spoons, orange spoons, and war spoons are put together, this is all because of the benefits.

If there is no benefit, don't even think about using the spoon. The orange spoon is not an obedient master.

With the benefits, the orange spoon is very powerful. With a wave of your little hand, you can grab the spoon and go away.

Wu Lao Lao and Yan Lao Lao followed closely to pull He Lao Lao and Tang Lao Lao, and Zhan Lao Lao Yan Lao Lao. If Lao Lao disobeys, he will have his own ladle to deal with it.

Wen Yao, He Yun, Tang Shao, and Lan Xun were stunned to see it. Wei Yu also jumped off the floating car. Good guy, is this a bit too much?

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