Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1919 The general is also biased

Wu Shao and Yan Shao also had good intentions. At this time, the situation was serious and everyone was in a hurry to evacuate. How could Xun Shao and the others not leave.

The spoons were pulling and pulling, and the Xun spoon, the soup spoon, the He spoon, and the Yan spoon were all in a hurry. They cried loudly, and the crisp sound of the porcelain reached the ears of several adults.

He Yun, Lan Xun, and Tang Shao looked over and saw that their spoon was dripping with water drops. He Yun's pupils shrank, and he stepped forward and pulled He's spoon to him. After careful examination, he was sure that he was crying, not rain. .

Wen's Little Fireball was so stupid, why was he crying? ! !

Luo Bi also saw it clearly. She stared at the spoons in silence.

The formation equipment is different from humans. It has lacked water since it came out of the furnace. Even if the spiritual wisdom is turned on, it may not cry. This time, they must be really sad, otherwise they would not have such a big reaction.

The spoons were crying when rainwater hung on them. The soup spoons, He spoons, and Yan spoons were also crying. Their planting fields were here, why should they be dragged away? Spoon is extremely aggrieved.

When Tang Shao saw it, he and Lan Xun, who was standing closest, immediately stepped forward to stop him. Wu Cheng said to Luo Bi, "Look at your bad idea. You can make Xun Lao Lao, Tang Lao Lao and the others cry."

There was nothing to say, so Luo Bi didn't answer.

He Yun doesn't count on her anymore. She has bad ideas. You can see how sad she is when she cries. He called Qi Lan's family and asked General Qi Lan to read it himself. They coaxed him and made him cry. You see what he should do!

Admiral Qi Lan is also biased! It was very rare for those with spiritual wisdom to be able to use the array. Even if those with spiritual wisdom had no fighting power and liked to gather seeds to grow things, he would not despise them.

With a quick glance, Admiral Qi Lan waved his hand and ordered eighteen acres of farmland to be set aside from the planting fields of the Zhihuang Star Garrison Base, and a share was given to the Spoons, including Wen's Little Fireball and Orange Spoon.

As for Wu Spoon, Flame Spoon, and War Spoon?

forget it! They can't grow anything.

The orange spoon is another matter, this guy has a lot of twists and turns.

With the new planting field, Xun Shao, He Shao, Tang Shao, and Yan Shao no longer cried. They dragged their adults to the planting field with their little hands to help transplant the seedlings.

Xun Lao's planting field is the closest. Lan Xun was dumbfounded when he went up there.

He Yun and Tang Shao were also dumbfounded. They were originally curious about what they were planting on their spoons, but it turned out that everything in the planting field was dark. Only when they touched it did they know it was a plant.

Tang Shao was speechless for a long time. The plants were covered with a layer of black ash. He really couldn't tell what they were planted. In fact, Tang Shao was no longer curious about what he was growing, and he didn't even think it was anything strange.

How can you grow anything good from seeds randomly collected in the mountains and forests?

Tang Shao observed the planting field. When his eyes fell on the simple stove, he knew why the entire planting field was dark. The fire and fireworks blackened the entire space and the plants.

I don't know how much firewood was burned in one winter, and even the plant defense cover was choked black.

Tang Shao turned his eyes. When he saw a large area of ​​familiar plants covered with black ash, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart. Damn it, it couldn't be what he thought, could it? ! The bent ears look like ears of corn no matter how you look at them.

Tang Shao strode over and hesitantly stretched out his hand to break off the ears of grain and twist them. Very good, they were millet. They were already ripe and couldn't be any more ripe. The grains fell from the stems with a slight shake.

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