Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1923 Sending a native pig

Luo Bi wants to buy it too! No one can have too much of a good thing. The local pigs are all delivered to you. If you don’t buy them, you’d be a fool.

That’s it! She really wanted to know the price of a local pig. They didn't ask the price when they came, they just quoted the purchase quantity. How could others buy it? !

Luo Bi couldn't squeeze in, and she didn't know the price, so she was in a hurry. She thought about it for a while, whether a native pig was expensive, but how expensive could it be? It would not be unaffordable, so she would grab one first.

Luo Bi came closer. Seeing that it was her, Wu Cheng made way for her. Luo Bi took the opportunity to squeeze forward and said to Lan Xun, "I'm buying two native pigs. I don't need to discuss with anyone. Can you give them to me first?"

"Wait a moment." Lan Xun was busy discussing the quantity with others.

Xun Shao holds a small optical computer on the side to check. No one can take his native pigs for nothing. Shao Shao can read numbers and calculate accounts. He is not easy to fool at all. He must watch every little native pig.

It has to be said that Luo Bi's refined arrays are money-crazy at heart.

The orange spoon is the most obvious. You have to think about the others slowly. In fact, it is also a money-obsessed person. I usually feel confused when I eat a spoon, but you can see that the local pig has become energetic, and even if you touch the local pig, it won't work.

How long will it take? Luo Bi was worried. She didn't think she could beat Wen Yao, He Yun, Wu Shao and the others. These people had injured Thunder Flame warriors under their command. It could be said that they were in urgent need of high-grade nutritional ingredients to stabilize their battle. force.

Why is she?

In order to eat it, there are some messy ingredients mixed into it.

Things have priorities. Hers is not as important as that of the Thunder Flame Warriors. If others are robbing her, isn't it just adding to the chaos? This is what Luo Bi thought, but Wen Yao and others didn't say anything.

Lan Xun said to wait a moment. Luo Bi thought that she was too lazy to pay attention to her, so she hesitated to remind her that if Lan Xun's attitude was not enthusiastic, she would not buy it at all.

Wen Yao and Wu Cheng saw this and said nothing. Wu Shao said, "Okay, it's pointless for us to keep fighting like this. How about each of us take a step back and buy a few less native pigs?"

"You can discuss it among yourselves. I won't participate." Lan Xun looked like he was staying out of the matter. While everyone was discussing, he picked up two native pigs without leaving a trace and threw them into a diabolo basket.

Wu Cheng was puzzled, Xun Shao looked over, and Lan Xun turned to talk to He Yun.

Xun Shao continued to play with the small optical computer. Lan Xun calmly picked up three more native pigs and threw them into the bamboo basket. Wu Cheng blinked. Orange Spoon leaned on the edge of the basket and poked the native pigs. It also wanted one.

Just when He Weiting was about to touch the native pig, Xun Shao didn't want to, so he held up a small optical brain and stopped him from touching it.

Lan Xun took the opportunity to kick the bamboo basket containing the native pig in front of Luo Bi. Luo Bi didn't know why, why did he kick the bamboo basket in front of her? Huh? There are also five native pigs inside, which are round and full of meat.

Orange Spoon: "..." The basket ran away.

Lan Xun didn't pay attention to Orange Spoon. He moved to block Xun Spoon's sight. He waved his hand to Luo Bi and told her to move the bamboo basket quickly: "I'll give it to you. Don't let Xun Spoon see it."

Luo Bi: "..."Does this mean it's free? ! !

Wu Cheng finally understood what was going on. Lan Xun wanted to give Luo Bi a few native pigs, but he was worried that Xun Shao Shao, a money man, would not be happy, so he took five native pigs and threw them into a bamboo basket while Xun Shao Shao was not paying attention. Robi.

Ouch, this is such trouble!

As Xun turned the spoon, Lan Xun winked at Wu Cheng, who quickly picked up the bamboo basket and called Luo Bi before leaving.

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