Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1924 Giving good things to others

Orange Spoon was dumbfounded. How could an adult fool the Spoon like this? ! !

When it wasn't at home, the adults in its family didn't know how many things they gave to others. The more Orange Spoon thought about it, the more it felt like this. If Lin Yanchong hadn't been away at Feizhu Star, it would have gone home and made a scene.

No need to ask, he must have given the good things to others, the adults in his family are so stupid.

It won’t kill strange beasts anymore. Why would it kill strange beasts when the spoon is given to others? Orange Spoon thought angrily.

"Wucheng, isn't this bad!" Luo Bi told Wu Cheng that she didn't want to take advantage of others.

"What's wrong?" Wu Cheng didn't take it seriously. He originally wanted to move the bamboo basket to Luo Bi's military suspension sports car, but then he thought about it, stopped and asked, "Put it in my car and I'll take it to you later." Go home, or leave it in your car?"

Good question, Luo Bi asked for more: "Let me put it in your car!"

Wu Cheng knew this was the case, so he moved the bamboo basket and put it on his floating car. It was already noon, because the rainy and snowy sky was so gloomy that he couldn't see it. Luo Bi looked at the time on the terminal and hesitated to go home. She also wanted to see what would happen next.

After calling Hua Ran and asking, Hua Ran said, "We are back home, not in the planting field."

No one was working anymore, so Luo Bi was not in a hurry to go home. She called Wu Cheng and went back to watch the fun.

Lieutenant General Mi Yue came very quickly. He never heard of good things. When General Qi Lan told him that there were energy flowers, ginseng grass, and sanzhi, he was excited. Add to that the native pigs, and Lieutenant General Mi was eager to see them. The wings flew to the Jade Bamboo Star.

In addition to an elite combat team, Lieutenant General Mi came with inspection personnel. Wen Yao and Wu Shao glanced at each other, winked at each other, and quickly reached a consensus with He Yun and Tang Shao, and each of them snapped up five pieces. A native pig.

Lan Xun had his own plan and left twenty native pigs for Xun Laoshao, while the others were given to Lieutenant General Mi.

Mi Yue didn't have time to worry about the number of native pigs. He was more concerned about the situation of the planting fields, so he took people to Xun Shao's planting fields first. Originally, the group of people were all neatly dressed in military uniforms, but after walking around the planting fields, they all became confused.

Even so, Lieutenant General Mi was extremely happy. He looked at the planting fields and directed the inspectors to detect nutritional energy.

The people he brought were all professional testers. The results came out half an hour later. The tester said excitedly: "They are all high-grade nutritional energy ingredients. Rice and purple corn are completely beyond the crops grown by senior growers."

More powerful than a senior planter?

General Mi Zhong rubbed his hands happily and personally dug up a ginseng grass and mountain mushroom for the other party to test. The results were the same as the nutritional content of the wild ones.

What does this mean?

No one understands better than Lieutenant General Mi that the ginseng grass and mountain mushrooms planted by Xun Shao have a short growth time and are too small to be eaten. Otherwise, the yield per acre would be enough to shock the three major galaxies.

After some testing, Lieutenant General Mi was very happy. Since entering the galaxy war season, the First Legion of Zhihuang Star has not been able to come up with anything. Now that it is good, they can finally solve their urgent needs.

At this time, Lieutenant General Mi had discovered that the crops in several planting fields were ripe, and there was no point in continuing to grow them. He discussed with Wen Yao and divided the people he brought into two teams.

One team helped the scoopers harvest the crops, and the other team transplanted ginseng, mountain mushrooms, and energy flowers.

Half of the harvested grain was shared with the army, as was the ginseng and sanzhi. The spoons didn't make a fuss when they found out.

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