Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1929 It really works

Ginseng and Sanzhi are divided into grades and growth years. The longer they are grown, the more nutritional value they have. What the Spooners and Wenjia Xiaohuoqiao planted can only be regarded as small ginseng seedlings and small Sanzhi.

Of course, no matter how small it is, it is still a supplement. If you take it every day, the effects will come out.

Luo Bi didn't say she didn't want it anymore, but she couldn't take it, so Wu Cheng took it and said, "I'll hold it for you. When will you go home? I'll take you back."

Luo Bi, a woman with no fighting ability, would take so many good things, and no one would be at ease. Wen Yao originally planned to send someone to take Luo Bi home later, but Wu Cheng proposed it and saved him the trouble of arranging it.

"No more playing, I'm going home now." Luo Bi said.

After coming out to watch the fun, she got two baskets of goodies. Luo Bi couldn't stay any longer, so she said hello to Wu Cheng and left. Flame Spoon dragged Xun Spoon and two native pigs to follow, and it also went home. Its family was still busy harvesting crops.

Xun Shao agreed to drag Yan Shao to Tu Zhu, but Lan Xun didn't care about it.

Luo Bi and Wu Cheng murmured. After walking a few steps, they remembered the spoons and turned around and said, "Stop watching the fun. I have to go home to work. Why do you want to watch the fun? The sergeants are harvesting the crops. You go and help. By the way, It would be great to learn farm work."

He knows how to sow but not to reap, but he is really good at it.

A word reminded Shao Shao, and Xun Shao Shao, He Shao Shao, Tang Shao Shao, and Yan Shao Shao hurriedly went to learn farm work. Wu Shaoshao and Zhan Shaoshao are not busy and follow their adults to listen and talk. They don't like to do farm work.

Orange Spoon and Wen's Little Fireball ran away. These two guys were curious about everything. They broke off two corns and threw them away. They thought it was such a fun job, what the hell! Not fun at all.

Here, the Thunder Flame warriors were busy with the harvest. Wu Cheng helped Luo Bi put things on the floating car. Luo Bi dialed the communication and asked. No one was at home. They were planting fields and harvesting crops at the moment.

After hesitating for a moment, Luo Bi said to Wu Cheng: "Can you send the native pig to my house? I will go directly to the planting fields and not go home."

Luo Bi trusted him so much that Wu Cheng said, "Okay!"

So Yan Lao accompanied Wu Cheng home to see off the native pig, and Yan Lao poked with his little hand to enter the courtyard.

Otherwise, even if Wu Cheng wanted to help, he wouldn't be able to get in.

When Luo Bi arrived at her family's planting field, Patriarch Luo was talking to Luo Hang on the field. In addition to Patriarch Luo, Luo Heng's mother and Tong Wan were also there. Luo Bi was upset. She originally wanted her family to taste the flowers and fruits. What are these people causing trouble here?

With this thought in mind, Luo Bi got out of the suspended sports car and went over to say hello.

Luo Hang glared at Luo Bi, went to his floating car and took a lunch box to Luo Bi, and said angrily: "I don't even know how to go home after eating, so I ate it quickly while the food is still hot."

What Luo Hang didn't say was that if Luo Bi didn't come back, he planned to give it to Luo Bi.

If women are well cared for, their lifespan can be extended, and Luo Hang also knows that.

Not only did he know it, he also cared about it, and he always had plans in his heart. Luo Hang wanted to raise Luo Bi well so that his daughter would live a long life, but he was just such a daughter.

"Hey, why are you eating now? What did Luo Bi do?" Luo Heng's mother yelled. She never kept a low profile when she opened her mouth: "It's almost half afternoon. Do you still want to eat after dinner? "

Luo Bi smiled as she ate, but didn't answer. She was not as experienced as a useless person.

Luo Heng's mother is sometimes useless and incompetent. She doesn't know how to speak, and she speaks casually no matter what she says.

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