Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1930 If you don’t help, you won’t leave.

Patriarch Luo looked at Luo Bi with a kind look, and signaled Luo Hang not to accompany him, but to go harvest the crops quickly: "I just heard that your crops are ripe, so come over and take a look at the harvest. Go and get busy! Luo Bi Stay with me."

The head of the Luo family found Luo Bi a job, but it played into Luo Hang's hands. Work like harvesting rice was tiring. Luo Hang didn't want his daughter to work in the planting fields, otherwise he wouldn't have arranged for Luo Bi to dig at home. Carrots, that job is easier than harvesting crops.

But when Luo Bi came to the planting field, she couldn't make excuses for not working, and it was easy for others to criticize her when they saw her.

However, talking to Luo's old family master is different. This is also a job, and it suits Luo Bi very well.

"Okay, I'll go get busy." Luo Hang said.

Hua Ran and Guan Zhuting's mother and son had arrived at the other end of the farmland. Luo Hang was also anxious to work, so he spoke to Mr. Luo and went to work.

Luo Bi was eating lunch and talking to Patriarch Luo by the way, her expression naturally showing a feeling of admiration. Patriarch Luo was also gentle towards his younger generation. After comparing several planting fields, he felt that his nephew's crops were not bad.

Tong Wan and Luo Heng's mother were chatting on the field ridge, but she actually felt a little embarrassed. She was supposed to help her family harvest crops, but she didn't do any farm work at home, so how could she work for her cousin's family?

Besides, there was Luo Heng's mother, who was with her, so Tong Wan felt a little less embarrassed.

Luo Heng's mother is not a fool. She also knows that it is inappropriate not to help her family, but she also feels that working for Guan Zhuting's family is at a disadvantage, so she keeps showing off her clothes and saying how expensive they are.

"I can't work for your family because I haven't changed my work clothes." Luo Heng's mother justified herself and made excuses for herself. The more she talked about it, the more she thought it was true, and she laughed happily.

Luo Bi finally figured it out. Luo Heng's mother didn't even know what face was?

Don't you want to work for others? Okay, then don't join in. It's not fun. Come to the planting fields to join in the fun. Anyone who cares about face will find it difficult to stand still when he comes, but this person is very good and will not leave without helping.

And Tong Wan also joined in the fun.

Luo Bi didn't even look at these two people. Everyone looked down on their family, so why did she care?

The head of the Luo family originally wanted to take a look and leave, but now he called the guards into the planting field to help. Luo Heng's mother and Tong Wan suddenly blushed, hesitated a few words, and left in despair.

Luo Bi sneered, wait and see if you can't put it on the table, don't you like to play imaginary? Who doesn't know how to play? From now on, Luo Bi would play tricks with these two people, trying to get her to contribute, but there was no way.

"Grandpa, you don't have to work. My parents and my brother are here." Luo Bi ran into the planting field to stop him. The old man is the head of the entire family, how can he go to work in the field himself?

Patriarch Luo looked up at the crops and continued working: "Your farmland is not small. The three of them will be busy until dark and may not finish it. The guards and I will help, and we should be able to almost finish harvesting the land."

Luo Bi couldn't stop her and didn't eat any more. She ran to find her father and said, "Grandpa has started harvesting crops for our family."

Luo Hang was surprised and raised his foot to persuade Patriarch Luo. Patriarch Luo waved his hand to prevent him from saying more. Luo Hang was moved and stopped trying to persuade her. He sent Luo Bi home to cook.

"Make some good food and let your great grandfather come to our house for dinner tonight."

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