Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1931 Zhu Xingzhi

Luo Bi and her father thought of going together. What is the identity of the head of Luo family? Not to mention that the family is busy with affairs, and given their seniority and age, it is really hard for him to do farm work for the younger generation's family.

When Luo Bi was discussing what ingredients her father should use for cooking, the Zhu family children came to help.

Half of the children came, and the other half were busy at home. The Zhu family also had a lot of planting fields, so they couldn't spare too many people at once.

Luo Bi came just in time and asked, "Which of you will go home with me to cook? I can't do it alone."

"I'll go." Zhu Xingbao jumped out.

"You?" Luo Bi was not satisfied. There were too many people this time, and Zhu Xingbao was not useful at all. She said to Zhu Xingzhi: "Zhu Xingbao is too young, why don't you come home with me to handle the ingredients?"

"Okay." Zhu Xingzhi handed the sickle to his cousin and followed Luo Bi.

Zhu Xingbao was helpless, Luo Bi waved her hand towards him, and the child immediately followed with a bright smile.

Zhu Xingsu sighed and ignored it. If you want to eat snacks, you can go! Fortunately, they have a good relationship with Luo Bi and are not afraid of Luo Bi making fun of her little cousin. Except for Zhu Xingbao, the children of the Zhu family are all very strong. They start cutting wheat one ridge at a time, no slower than the adults.

When she got home, Luo Bi asked Zhu Xingzhi to deal with a native pig first, and then look at what other meats there were at home. She didn't know what her parents' stuff was.

Zhu Xingzhi was stunned for a moment when he saw the round native pig and hesitated to speak. He was just helping with farm work and taking care of low-grade nutritious food. There was really no need to deal with a native pig.

Zhu Xingzhi knows the value of native pigs better than anyone else.

But Zhu Xingbao's eyes lit up. He hadn't eaten such good meat for a long time: "Luo Bi, you went into the forest again? Why didn't you call me? I also poked holes in the trees and couldn't find the native pig."

The children of the Zhu family basically know how to poke holes in trees, but they have gained little. After trying many times, the children no longer poke holes in trees. It can be said that they have given up on this method.

That's right. Luo Bi rarely catches native pigs now. When the weather changes, everything is different: "It was given by an acquaintance, not caught by me."

Zhu Xingbao didn't ask who sent it. Looking back at his cousin, Zhu Xingzhi hesitated for a moment and then said: "Luo Bi, if your family has exotic animal meat, don't kill native pigs. You don't need to eat such good food to do farm work."

Luo Bi thought for a moment, and did not regard Zhu Xingzhi as an outsider. She found a piece of exotic animal meat for Zhu Xingbao to wash, and then said to Zhu Xingzhi: "My great-grandfather works for my family. It is unreasonable to say that it is better not to do anything. "

Zhu Xingzhi understood immediately and immediately added water to the pot to boil water: "That's right. I'll boil the water first and take out the native pigs later."

Luo Bi took out the seasonings and other things, went back to her home, and picked a basket of vegetables. At this time, Zhu Xingzhi had already put the exotic animal meat on the grill. Zhu Xingbao was responsible for seasoning the exotic animal meat and turning it over. Zhu Xingzhi cleaned the local pigs that he had collected.

Luo Bi was not good at cooking, so Zhu Xingzhi simply occupied the kitchen area to cook.

Luo Bi took this opportunity to bring two flowers and fruits to Zhu Xingzhi and Zhu Xingbao. The two children had never seen this kind of fruit before, and they were curious when they held it in their hands: "Luo Bi, what kind of fruit is this? Why does it look like a flower?" of?"

Zhu Xingzhi didn't dare to eat it. He was worried that it was made by Luo Bi. Luo Bi was so amazing at refining that he could make anything. It was not unusual at all to make a flower.

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