Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1937 Figure it out yourself

Fengling made lunch and asked Luo Bi to eat.

After dinner, Fengling went to the military headquarters. Luo Bi continued to look through the textbooks. She read that the so-called refining textbook was not a guide on how to refining, but a collection of properties of spiritual plants and herbs.

What is fire attribute, what is water attribute, all eight attributes are listed.

As for how to refine it?

Figure it out on your own, don't expect it to be clearly written in the textbook.

As for extraction?

That's even more interesting. As long as it is an ore that can extract energy liquid, the textbooks mention it, but they don't tell you how to extract it.

Look, I’m dumbfounded!

Luo Bi felt funny when she thought about it. She dragged a sofa chair under the porch and read a book while enjoying the rain and snow. After entering January, although it rained and snowed all day long, the temperature was not very low, and the glass and other things had already been removed.

What is the happiest thing in life?

Drinking tea, reading a book, listening to the rain, and the falling snow make it even more pleasant.

Luo Bi read for a while, thinking about buying a piece of jadeite to try. She didn't want to go alone, so she turned over the book and continued to lazily move. She was waiting. Lan Qiao was so careless that she liked to visit her. She might be here soon.

As expected, Lan Qiao cleaned up her house and went out to visit.

"I'm going to the pharmacy, are you going?" Luo Bi asked Lan Qiao after sorting out her books.

Lan Qiao was cheerful: "I happen to be going to the underground city to buy groceries, let's go together. How do you plan to go? Do you want to drive a sports car? It's not raining heavily this time."

Lan Qiao had a sports car but no hover car, so Luo Bi stopped driving the hover car and took her bag to accompany Lan Qiao back home. Lan Qiao changed her clothes and put on light makeup, then took her bag and went out.

At this time, the rain was pouring outside, which really didn't affect travel, but it started to rain hard at some point.

Luo Bi quickly drove her limited edition sports car and went to the pharmacy belonging to the Talent Academy with Lan Qiao.

Lan Qiao talked a lot, and Luo Bi talked a lot. The two women kept their mouths busy along the way, talking about one topic after another. Due to the weather, there were few pedestrians on the road. Feeling the light rain and blowing wind, Luo Bi's head stopped hurting halfway through her chatter.

You see, if you talk a lot and let her refine it, you won't have a headache!

Thinking of this, Luo Bi laughed again. She finally figured it out. As long as she was allowed to play, there would be no problem.

The pharmacy affiliated to the Talent Academy is located in a prosperous area. The large characters are all made of jade. It is more impressive and impressive than the guild pharmacy. It occupies a large area, with landscape rocks, stacked rocks and flowing water, and the scent of wood spirits lingering in it, making people feel refreshed.

Luo Bi had no intention of buying spiritual plants. She just wanted to find out the difference between jadeite stones, so she entered the medicine shop and went straight to the jadeite stone area.

Lan Qiao languished and followed behind without saying a word.

The clerk who received them was a clerk named Yang Yan. The other person introduced the quality of jadeite in a good manner and asked about the properties of the purchase: "What properties do you want? Small pieces of jadeite with wood properties are softer and easier to extract. Some."

Luo Bi took a small piece of jadeite with wood properties. Visually, it was not much bigger than a purple grape fruit: "What's the price of this? It's too expensive. I can't afford it. Please tell me the real price."

Yang Yan smiled: "Fifty thousand interstellar coins."

The price was okay, so Luo Bi changed to another water-attribute piece, which was smaller than the wood-attribute piece: "What about this one? What's the price of the water-attribute piece?"

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