Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1938 It’s not expensive to give it away for free

Luo Bi was more concerned about the price. If it was too expensive, she could not buy it: "This one is smaller than the wood one."

"That's 30,000 interstellar coins for you." This batch of jadeite stones had just been put into the warehouse and the price had not yet been marked. Yang Yan called up the price from the small optical computer and added: "The water attribute is offensive, but I suggest you buy the wood-type one."

"Why?" Luo Bi chatted with the other party. Anyway, she had nothing to do.

At this time, a customer came to the jadeite stone area. Yang Yan greeted the customer warmly and replied: "It is difficult to extract. The aggressive type has high hardness and complex texture. It is more difficult to extract among all jadeite stones."

Luo Bi was noncommittal. She just wanted to buy a piece of jadeite that had just been mined, to find out how it was different from the ones mined before, and whether it was easy to extract. It wasn't a big problem.

Her purpose is not to extract it, and of course it is not necessarily to refine it.

"It's so expensive." Lan Qiao whispered. She came here to shop with an unusual status, so she didn't dare to complain loudly.

Luo Bi didn't answer. Nowadays, the danger level of undeveloped planets is extremely high. Hunting teams and mercenary groups basically no longer go on missions. It would be good if the medicine shop can have newly mined jadeite.

The price is okay, not overpriced.

Is it expensive?

Of course it is expensive, but it is not expensive if it is given away for free. It is a pity that the people in the pharmacy are not fools.

Among the later customers, there were a few women who were picky and dressed very fashionably. They wore jade fox skins and tulle, and paired them with jade-inlaid boots. They were all new.

Luo Bi guessed that they must have just acquired innate abilities, otherwise they wouldn't be so high-profile.

Several women were chattering, and they were always dissatisfied with the selection of various jade stones. They looked at one piece and then another, holding the jade stone in their hands to look at it, and they did not forget to show off the newly purchased small optical computer.

The small optical computer is also brand new, and 80% of it was just bought.

Lan Qiao cast an envious look, that small optical computer was not cheap, about 20,000 interstellar coins. Small optical computers used by ordinary people basically cost between 5,000 and 10,000 interstellar coins. In Lan Qiao's opinion, 20,000 is already very expensive.

Lan Qiao's small optical computer is not cheap, but it was given to her by Zhang Cheng after it was worn out, so it feels different.

Luo Bi was wandering around the jade stone area, taking a look at something new and interesting. If she didn't want to buy it, she would just look at it. Lan Qiao also looked at it curiously. In fact, she couldn't see anything. In her eyes, such things were just beautiful and expensive.

Luo Bi came back after shopping around. The women hadn't decided what to buy yet. Yang Yan was not impatient at all and greeted them warmly. The clerk got a commission from everything she sold. If she had a good attitude, she would sell the same thing. She was also doing it for the interstellar. currency.

Luo Bi had already decided what to buy. She had no shortage of jade stones and jade stones, and the quantity was amazing, so she just wanted to buy a few jade stones to see if she could control them.

Luo Bi on the display cabinet didn't want to buy it, so she was waiting for the clerk to finish her business and bring her a new one.

However, those women refused to leave. A pile of jade stones was placed on the sandalwood table for them to choose from.

This makes Luo Bi a little annoyed. If you don't buy it, touch it less. Touching them all will sometimes hinder the refining and extraction. Of course, this was before the galaxy war season, so she didn't know what the situation was now.

I don’t know that she is annoyed by others touching her. The store clerk is too good-tempered and won’t buy it next time.

Lan Qiao waited a little anxiously, she had to go buy groceries.

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