Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1939 Red Fire and Energy

Luo Bi also knew that Lan Qiao was anxious. She couldn't be selfish and inconsiderate when people were shopping with her.

After waiting for a while, Luo Bi couldn't wait anymore and called another clerk over. Pointing to the jadeite he had seen before, he said, "Bring me a jadeite of this size with various properties."

The clerk took a look, brought a cardboard box, and gave Luo Bi a new jade stone.

After the two of them left the medicine shop and went straight to the dungeon, Lan Qiao was greedy for cheap shopping and spent interstellar coins to buy a basket of low-grade nutritional ingredients.

This cost her 20,000 interstellar coins. Lan Qiao was in pain and kept mumbling: "I didn't buy anything! The same green radish and the same cabbage, but it cost so many interstellar coins."

Luo Bi didn't say a word, it was not her Star Coins that were spent, and she didn't feel bad.

Besides, the sky was overcast at this time, with light snow falling, and seeing a heavy rain and snow brewing, she was in a hurry to go home, no matter how many interstellar coins Lan Qiao spent.

When she returned home to the garrison base, Luo Bi touched her clothes. They were moist. She went back to the bedroom to wash up, picked out a bright yellow animal skin skirt and put it on. She felt very energetic.

Luo Bi took out her textbook and flipped through it, finding the basic knowledge of refining to study.

If the textbook doesn't teach about refining at all, that's not entirely true. It does teach in the textbook, and Luo Bi also read it in the textbook, but she just can't understand it. It’s all jargon, and the instructor doesn’t explain it, so most students really can’t understand it.

If you don't understand it, just stop reading it. Luo Bi has no intention of refining it. She just wants to know the difference between the newly mined jadeite and the previous one, and whether she can control it. She only needs to know this.

After thinking about it, Luo Bi found a piece of red jadeite from the purchased jadeite. This piece of red jadeite was not big, so it was perfectly fine for practicing.

She fiddled with it, wondering whether it was because she hadn't touched the jade stone for a long time or something. Luo Bi suddenly became nervous before taking action. She exhaled and released her mental power to explore carefully.

When the mental power broke into the red jadeite, Luo Bi was stunned for a moment. No wonder it was difficult to extract. The newly mined jadeite can be said to be much harder than the previous one, and its grain pattern has also completely changed.

A sea of ​​red flames appeared before his eyes, seemingly complete, but chaotically distributed, and the flowing red liquid was more domineering than before.

Luo Bi poked with her mental power, and the red fire and energy transformed. Okay, they were clearly distinct just now, but now they are mixed together. If you want to extract them, you must separate them.

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have poked him. I'm so weak!

Luo Bi observed it, and saw that the dense lines gave her a headache. Taking it slowly was not enough. The more she worked, the more headache she got. It was better to attack quickly to drive away the energy and separate the red fire from it.

Luo Bi controlled her mental power and rushed out, driving away the energy bit by bit, and Chi Huo followed suit. What are you running for? Luo Bi was anxious. She didn't want the energy of the rare red fire, so she quickly formed small fireballs and grabbed them back one by one.

One small fireball, two small fireballs, three small fireballs...


That's not right, she didn't refine it, so why did she find so many small fireballs?

Having dug out so much, it’s not a big deal to throw it out, so we might as well extract it. Luo Bi observed it, taking in all the lines, then drove out the red liquid and grabbed small fireballs, one small fireball plus a smaller energy ball.

Luo Bi knew very well that this was the energy liquid, and it took half an hour to extract it all.

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