Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1940 This is no longer necessary

Luo Bi was very happy after the extraction was successful. She was originally worried about not being able to master new things, but now it seems that she doesn't have to worry at all.

At the very least, she had complete control over the extraction.

At noon, Fengling brought back a lunch for two from the restaurant. It still consisted of four dishes and one soup, with both meat and vegetables. The restaurant chef's skills are unparalleled, and the dishes are full of color, flavor and flavor. After getting used to home-cooked meals, an occasional meal can change your taste.

Fengling also took great pains to coax Luo Bi to eat more.

As soon as the man entered the door, Luo Bi showed him the energy liquid: "Fengling, look, this is the energy liquid I extracted from the newly mined jadeite. It's less than 50%, so I'll give it to you."

It's too little, so I don't want it anymore.

Fei Ling took the energy liquid and narrowed her sharp eyes slightly. She would be lying if she said she was not surprised. Other talented bonders did not succeed in extracting it overnight. They also had dark eyes at the beginning.

Later, under the guidance of the instructor of Emperor Star Academy, I gradually mastered the extraction method.

Luo Bi didn't even participate in the test, and this was her first time with a new jade stone. Who would have thought that she would successfully extract a highly aggressive fire-attributed energy liquid in one fell swoop.

Fengling felt mixed while holding the energy liquid. With Luo Bi's talent, she could do it better than anyone else.

However, this is good, Luo Bi is doing well, and Fengling really doesn't care what happens to others.

Fengling didn't mind the lack of energy liquid. She put her lunch in the kitchen area and put the energy liquid into the storage ring with her free hand: "How can you extract it again suddenly? Are you feeling unwell or have a headache?"

Fengling washed her hands and raised her eyes to look at Luo Bi's face. Luo Bi knew that the man cared about her and didn't hide it. She immediately said: "I have a little headache, but it doesn't matter. I didn't plan to refine it at first, so I just wanted to try two The difference between planting jade stones and extracting energy liquid and energy stones by the way."

By the way, it is unintentional, so unintentional, but it is successful.

Fengling twitched the corner of her mouth, took the dishes and placed them on the dining table: "Go wash your hands and eat quickly."

Luo Bi obediently agreed and put away the small fire attribute energy stone. It was so small and the color was dazzling. She liked it no matter how she looked at it. She would save it first, maybe it would be useful later.

Nowadays, the most indispensable thing for the garrison base and military headquarters is energy stones. The mineral source Luo Bi found before winter has so much energy that one piece can be used for a long time. The sergeant lacks energy stones for everything.

As for the energy liquid?

Several joint hunts in the three major galaxies have basically exhausted all the energy fluids. The military is now trying to find ways to prepare. Not only is it short of energy fluids, it is also short of elixirs.

After eating, Fengling collected the tableware, took her coat and went to the military headquarters.

Luo Bi was about to take a lunch break. She wandered on the large balcony and suddenly lost her sleep. She saw the jadeite stones she bought in the morning on the table and picked them up to extract all eight attributes.

After finishing her work, Luo Bi looked at the energy liquid and energy stones on the table, and not only laughed out loud, but who was saying that it was hard to extract them? She almost believed them before, but after extracting them, she realized that it was nonsense.

Luo Bi was in a good mood. She washed a red fruit and ate it while reading the refining textbook.

It is said that textbooks are deceiving people, but they are actually useful. At least Luo Bi knows that energy wood and red stone are needed to guide the source of fire. She is not short of both. Energy wood is available in the planting fields, but she does not know how to refine it. How much energy wood is needed.

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