Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1944 Major General’s House

Luo Bi: "······"

Just now we were discussing jade jewelry and comparing each other, and now we are busy refining and extracting it?

Didn’t you say you were coming to a party?

What does it mean to rush to refine and extract it?

Luo Bi took the melon seeds from her hand and continued to eat them. The melon seeds had a strong seasoning flavor, which was very similar to the ones sold in Qi Han's store. Luo Bi doesn't like melon seeds that are heavily seasoned because they can easily cause irritation, but she still prefers melon seeds to other foods like cakes and snacks.

Because there is a large space in Bai Xian's house to prepare for a party, energy flowers and plants were planted on the entire large balcony where the planting fields should have been, as well as there were piles of rocks and running water, and corridors and pavilions surrounded by flowers and trees.

All kinds of flowers are in bloom at this time, colorful, light and rich, and the fragrance of flowers fills the large balcony.

The poetic rain and snow fall, adding even more brilliance to the flowers.

There is no woman who doesn’t like this beautiful environment. Everyone was so happy that they each chose their favorite location to arrange their work space. The furnace cauldron was moved over and put away, the refining materials such as spiritual plants were taken out, and the extracted ones moved tables and found chairs.

The distance between each other is neither far nor close. Those who like to use energy flowers and plants in a clean way are separated from others. There are also many people who like to be lively. People who are close to each other even get together and squeeze together to refine and extract.

"Qi Han, come with us!" Jiang Xinger pulled Qi Han with a very enthusiastic attitude.

Luo Bi noticed them and looked over. Qi Han nodded coldly and took Meng Gan with him.

Jiang Xi'er's position was at the main balcony, where almost all the high-status gifted masters were. Qi Han joined without saying anything, but Meng Gan followed, but Zhou Ya and others showed a hint of disgust.

"Luo Bi, let's go together." Qin Cui has already chosen a location. She has some status in the circle of the military, so she chose a location not far from Jiang Xiner and Zhou Ya's work space. There is a cluster of flowers and rocks next to it. Running water.

He Xiang didn't come today. Qin Cui planned to refine and extract together with Luo Bi and Wei Zi. There was also a beautiful and dignified woman invited by Qin Cui. Luo Bi didn't know her. Qin Cui introduced her name as Yun Wan and she was Qin Cui. best friend.

As the name suggests, Yunwan people are dignified and generous, and their every move and smile is very decent.

Luo Bi said a perfunctory "hmm" and walked over. When Wei Zi moved the table, she helped him.

Luo Bi was still holding melon seeds in her hand, so she helped move the table over and continued to eat melon seeds.

Wei Zi took out the jade stones and counted them one by one, obviously wanting to extract them, but Qin Cui and Yun Guan wanted to refine them. The two of them moved the furnace and set them up, opened the spiritual plant box and selected the spiritual plants they needed.

"Luo Bi, why aren't you ready? Are you refining or extracting?" Qin Cui became a little anxious when he saw that Luo Bi was still making moves.

Luo Bi didn't want to join in the fun at all, so she opened her eyes and lied: "I didn't bring the cauldron."

Yun Guan raised his eyes and continued to select spiritual plants. Qin Cui was speechless: "Didn't I tell you to bring the furnace cauldron and refining materials? Wei Zi, do you have many jade stones? Give her a few pieces, Luo Bi If you don’t bring the cauldron, just extract it!”

Wei Zi was not stingy either. He handed out five jade stones and jade stones and called to Luo Bi: "Come here quickly, are these few pieces enough for you? The ones I gave you are of wood attribute, which is easier to extract."

Who wants this! When Qin Cui and others were not paying attention, Luo Bi approached Wei Zi and whispered: "I don't want to extract or refine it, I'm just here to have fun."

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