Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1945 Just here to play

Luo Bike could see that the high-status people who came to the party also had many thoughts, such as Zhou Ya, Xue Ya, and Jiang Xinger. Although some of them had prepared furnaces and refining materials, not many of them had prepared furnaces and refining materials. Refined.

Almost all of them chose to extract.

Why is this?

The secret to extraction lies inside the jadeite, but it seems impossible to learn on the surface.

However, refining is different. The formula is the same, the refining method is the same, and there are too many places to learn. Study, study, and then learn other people’s skills.

So, some people are very scheming.

Luo Bicai didn't want to refine it, so he didn't even think about extracting it. Want to play tricks in front of her? Let’s have some fun!

Seeing Wei Zi stunned, Luo Bi said, "I'll go home later."

Wei Tzu: “·······”

What did she hear? Not refining or extracting, just for fun?

Wei Zi reacted for a moment, then waved his hand for Luo Bi to sit down: "Everyone who came to the party is idle. If you don't refine or extract, you will be looked at badly. They say you are unsociable. Sit next to me and get a jade stone." , it’s okay to just pretend.”

Luo Bi listened to the advice and pulled up a chair to sit next to Wei Zi. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Yun Wan's defensive eyes. Luo Bi chuckled and adjusted the direction of the chair so as not to look at Yun Wan.

Yun Wan was not worried about this, so he put the selected spiritual plants aside and dealt with them one by one.

Qin Cui didn't notice Yun Wan's thoughts. She was busy with her own business. At this time, the whole balcony was filled with the scent of spiritual plants and medicinal plants, plus the fragrance of energy flowers and plants, which made the gifted masters feel very comfortable.

Qi Han processed the required spiritual plants, but there was one refining material missing before refining. Jiang Xi'er generously found it for her from her own refining materials, and Qi Han put it into the furnace and started refining.

Zhou Ya and Jiang Xi'er were not in a hurry to extract it, and sat aside to watch indifferently.

Bai Xuan didn't have any other thoughts. She could only give birth to a child for the strong genetic thunder flame warrior, which was enough for her to enjoy all the glory and wealth. She was powerless to gain the dignity brought by her natural ability.

So after socializing for a while, when everyone started refining and extracting, Bai Zhi leaned weakly on the sofa chair to rest.

Luo Bi tilted her head and glanced, and continued to eat melon seeds. Wei Zi was not as free as she was, and was concentrating on extracting a piece of fire jadeite. After a while, sweat appeared on the little girl's forehead.

Luo Bi: "······"

She stopped eating the melon seeds and stared at the jade stone in Wei Zi's hand carefully. What Wei Zi extracted was a wood type jade stone, not the highly aggressive fire or water type.

Is it easy to extract jadeite with wood attribute?

Luo Bi was puzzled. She picked up a wooden jade stone from the table and looked at it, but she couldn't figure out the reason. What she extracted was a small piece, more than twice as small as this one, maybe different.

As Bai Xian's sister-in-law, Xue Ya watched Qi Han refining for a while, then stood up to replenish food and drinks for everyone. She was noble-looking but had a very gentle attitude. If anyone lacked refining materials, she had the final say to provide them. .

If you don't take good care of it, it will be bad if they don't come next time.

Xue Ya walked to the space between Luo Bi and Wei Zi. Luo Bi couldn't keep up the pretense, ate melon seeds and played with jade stones, and smiled at Xue Ya without any intention of extracting them.

Xue Ya's expression paused: "······"

"Aren't you going to extract it?" Xue Ya asked.

Luo Bi's reason was sufficient: "I didn't bring a furnace cauldron, and I don't have a jade stone."

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