Traveling Through the Stars

Chapter 1949 She is clean


I used too much force when extracting, and it took a little too long to play with.

Therefore, the wooden jadeite was smoking and making a clicking sound when pressed under her hand. When Luo Bi heard the noise, her first reaction was to explode, but this was not a furnace cauldron, so the possibility of it exploding was unlikely. .

The question is, what's going on with this smoke?

"Eh? Eh? Eh? Wei Tzu." Luo Bi was dumbfounded. She quickly stood up from the chair and called Wei Tzu next to her to show her the broken jadeite with wood properties: "It's smoking. Got it!!!"

Wei Zi was dumbfounded at first glance. It didn't matter that she was stupid. Half of the extracted jadeite was ruined. She couldn't care about it for the time being and stammered: "What, what's going on? Qin Cui, look at it." Look, the jade stone extracted by Luo Bi is smoking."

Luo Bi called her, and her name was Qin Cui. Wei Zi didn't even see any cracks. There were cracks in the wooden jade stone.

After listening to Wei Zi's words, Qin Cui and Yun Guan stopped refining and came to the table to take a look and were dumbfounded.

Qin Cui said at a loss: "What's going on? I've never seen smoke emitted when extracting jadeite."

At this moment, the smoke from the wooden jadeite was getting bigger and bigger, and the clouds were shrouded in mist. Those who didn't know thought that someone was going to become an immortal.

There was so much noise here that it alerted everyone. Xue Ya, Zhou Ya, and Jiang Xi'er hurried over to ask what was going on. When they saw clearly that the jadeite was smoking, they blinked and blinked again, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Before a few people could figure out what was going on, they heard a "bang" sound, and the wooden jadeite burned out its energy and exploded.

Now it's okay, the several slim women in costumes who came over are all very beautiful now. They are all dark. If you didn't know who they were before, you wouldn't be able to recognize their true faces no matter how good your eyes are.

Wei Zi, Qin Cui, and Yun Wan were not much better off. They were all gray-faced and only beautiful and enchanting.

Luo Bi subconsciously lowered her head and looked at herself. She had nothing to say. Everything she fiddled with recognized the person she was playing with. She only blew up others but not herself. She had blackened others' names, but she was clean.

That was not her intention. Really, this jade stone was too unplayable.

When she first extracted it, it was clearly a piece of jadeite. When she was asked to play with it, the jadeite stone was suddenly turned into a piece of energy wood. It burned like charcoal and exploded when it was fully burned.

Just say it! Why did it suddenly smoke?

"What are you doing?" Zhou Ya changed from her usual dignified and beautiful expression, her expression was about to cry. She touched her face and wanted to cry even more. She was covered in ashes: "Luo Bi, you refine Fry the furnace and also fry the extraction? How can you be so good at it?"

This is to the point, Luo Bi can do it! Everything is fried.

Seeing Zhou Ya's appearance, the others probably knew what was going on with them, and they all ran to wash up.

Qin Cui ran a few steps, left and came back again, rushed to Luo Bi and said, "Luo Bi, don't stop extracting it. Major General Leng has delicious food at home. When you're full, go home as soon as possible!"

He is just extracting energy liquid and can explode the jadeite. He is a capable person.

Do you want Qin Cui to take it?

She was convinced and wanted to wash her face first. Qin Cui ran to grab the pool on the balcony.

Others who were not affected were stunned when they saw this scene. How can such a movement be caused by extracting an energy liquid? Fortunately, they didn't join in the fun, otherwise they would have been like Zhou Ya and the others.

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